General Science Class: 9th Questions

Time: 2 hours 30 minutes            Total Marks: 75
Name: _____________                     Date: ___________
Subject: General Science                                                            Class:  10th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C & D. The choice which you think is correct, encircle that option. Cutting or overwriting will result in zero mark.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 20 minutes Total Marks: 15
Q.1. Circle the right option.
i. Natural gas is measured in _______.
a) cm            b) cm2        c) cm3      d) all of these
ii. Switches should be placed in the way of_________ wire.
a)  neutral  b)  live          c) dead      d) current
iii.  SI unit of capacitance is:
a) capacitor b) ohm        c) resistor    d) farad
iv. Device that complete or break the circuit is:
a) meter     b) switch  c) fuse  d) none of these
v. _______is a ability to do work.
a) energy    b) force   c) power   d) all of these 
vi.  Which of the following country sent its artificial satellite in space?
a) America b) France       c) Russia    d) Pakistan
vii. SPARCO was established in:
a) 1956  b) 1961  c) 1973     d) 1990
viii. The name of Pakistan’s first artificial satellite is:
a) Badar-1 b) Rehbr    c) Spotnik-1      d) Sikwa 
ix. The production capacity of Pakistan’s nuclear power plant is:
a) 10 M watt b) 137 M Watt
c) 300 M Watt d) 400 M watt
x. The vehicles which sent in space to investigate are known as:
a)  space probes b) Space crafts
c) rockets d) satellites
xi. Which of the following electricity production method caused thermal pollution?
a)  hydroelectric power      b) thermal power
c) nuclear power d) burning of biogas
xii.  The burning of fossil fuels produced:
a) solar power      b)  tydal power
c) nuclear power d) thermal power
xiii. Which of the following instrument is used to measure current?
a)  volt meter       b) circuit breaker   c) ammeter    d) thermometer
xiv.  Frequency range of ultrasound is:
a) less than 20 Hz       b)  20 Hz      c) more than 20 KHz    d) 20 KHz
xv. 3-D picture is known as:
a)  homogram       b) anagram    c) hologram   d) anagraphy
Subjective Part
Note: Provide the students with extra sheets to solve the subjective part.
Time Allowed: 2 Hrs 10 minutes Total marks: 60
Q.2. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
Define energy.
Explain work.
What is Hubble telescope?
Write down some benefits of artificial satellites.
What are the basic aims of SPARCO?
Where are Pakistan’s nuclear power plants located?
Define electric current and its units.
State law of conservation of energy.
What do you mean by hydro-electric power?
Q.3. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
What is the law of conservation of energy?
What is the use of switches?
Point out any three suggestions for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.
What do you mean by one kilowatt-hour?
Write down the difference between AC and DC.
Define electric voltage.
What happens to the bullet when it penetrates into a bullet?
What do you mean by destruction of environment?
Define the term “Solar penal”.
Q.4. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
What are fossil fuels?
State Ohm’s law.
What do you mean by resistance? Write down its units.
State the difference between analogue meter and digital meter.
What is step-down transformer?
Point out any three suggestions for the safe disposal of nuclear waste.
What do you mean by one kilowatt-hour?
Write down the difference between AC and DC.
Define electric voltage.
Note: Attempt any Three questions.
Q. 5. (a). What are capacitors? Give five uses of capacitors. (4)
        (b). What is transformer? Describe its structure, working and uses. (4)
Q. 6. (a). How does X-rays produced? Write down characteristics of X-rays. (4)
(b). Write a short note on the importance of steel mill. (4)
Q. 7. (a). Write a brief note on the importance of Space program. (4)
(b). Write a detail note on the Pakistan’s nuclear program. (4)
Q. 8. (a). Write a brief note on CT scan. (4)
(b). Describe kinds of capacitors& discuss their uses as well. (4)
Q. 5. (a). What are capacitors? Give five uses of capacitors. (4)
        (b). What is transformer? Describe its structure, working and uses. (4)

Answer key
Q.1. Circle the right option.
Q# Right option

General Science Class: 9th Questions General Science   Class:  9th   Questions Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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