General Science Paper

                   Time: 2 hrs 30 Mints Total Marks: 50
                  Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
                         Subject: General Science                                                  Class: VII
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instructions: Attempt all Questions.
Objective Part
Q.1. Encircle the right option.
Organisms that make their own food are called:
 a) producers b) hetero trophs      c.  consumers        d) none
  Which one is a producer in an ecosystem?
a) lion b) hawk    c. plant d) rat
A group of tigers living and reproducing in a forest is an example of :
a) a community b. a habitat c. an ecosystem d. none
 The number of electrons in N-shell can be:
a) 2     b) 8 c) 18     d) 32
Which one is not the source of water pollution?
a) human wastes            b) industrial wastes     C.  fertilizers            d) rain water
What percentage of the Earth’s water supply is fresh water?
a)  3 %     b) 5%               C.  10 %     d) 15 %
Drinking water sources can be contaminated by:
Natural material b. run of rom fields and roads       b. forest d. none 
We can get the purest form of water ?
By boiling water       b. by distillation process    c. from tube-well   d. from river
Air is moistened, filtered and warmed in the:
oesophagus   b)  nose           c. mouth   d) stomach 
The reverse process of peristalsis is called:
breathing     b)  burning         c. vomiting     d)  blood circulation
Q.2. Complete each of the following sentences by writing the correct term.
A molecule having one atom in it _________________.
The atomic particle with no charge ______________.
The process of removal of impurities of water ____________.
Large sheets of ice are called ________________.
Any living thing in the environment______________.
Q. 3 Give short answer
Define an ecosystem?
Name biotic factors of an ecosystem?
Why is fresh water important?
Why is the most of the fresh water found?
Define a caption and anion?
Q . 4 Answer the following questions.
Describe the structure of an atom?
Describe a few methods to clean water?
Explain a food chain and a food web with example?
General Science Paper General Science Paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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