Computer Science

Time: 2 hr 30 mins Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science Class: VII
Students Name: __________________            Date: __________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all the given questions.

Q.1. Fill in the blanks.
_______________ is the only compulsory secondary storage device .
CPU stands for ____________________
_______________ is the brain of computer system.
CD ROM stands for ____________________
___________________ carries the analogue signal.
___________________ is a type of wide area network.
_____________________ is the connection of two or more computer.
_______________ is limited to a single building.
CPU is the combination of ___________ and ______________
The two parts of micro processor are _________________ and ___________
Q.2  Tick the correct option.  
i.      An operating system can either be
a. single tasking b. multitasking
c. both a & b
ii.      _______________ means, performing two or more function simultaneously.
a. Multitasking      b. Single tasking    c. Unitasking
iii. ______________ is software protected by copyrights which can be copied from the internet but cannot be sold to other users.
a. Freeware b. Firmware
c. Software
iv. A hard disk contains numerous ______________________.
a. magnetic plates b. solar plates
c. mechanic plates
v. The process of _________________ constructs sectors and tracks on the surface of each plate.
a. formation b. deletion              c. Division
Q. 3 Answer the following questions.
What is the main function of  modem?
What is a control unit?
Give three examples of internet browsing software.
Ms Word.
Computer Science Computer Science Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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