Computer Science English

Time: 2hr 30 mins Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science Class: VI
Name: ________________________                      Date: __________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all the given questions.
Objective Part
Q.1. Fill in the blanks.
Hardware and _________________ make up a computer.
There are _______________ main types of software.
________________ is the most common operating system.
An operating system can either be_____________ or _____ ________.
A hard disk contain numerous ______________
_______________________ Software is available to increase storage space of a disk.
A keyboard is a/an ______________ device.
 A register is a small data bank used to ______________ information.
__________________ register store the  results of latest calculations.
The process of _______________ constructs sectors and tracks on the surface of each plats.

Q.2  Write T for true statement and F for false statement .
An operating system is must for a computer. ______
Data that cannot be touched is called a softcopy. ______
DOS provides a multitasking environment.           ______
Registers are part of a RAM .                                   ______
A disk compression software reduces the storage of a disk .     ______
A hard disk is always formatted before storing data on it .       ______
Data that cannot be touched is called a softcopy. ______
A good compression software can even reduce the programme to half its size ______
Anti viruses can defend a computer from virus. ______
An operating system can only be multitasking.          ______
Q . 3 Answer the following questions.
What is buses? Explain main types of buses.
What is multitasking?
Microsoft Excel

Computer Science English Computer Science English Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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