
Time: 2 hrs            Total Marks: 50
Subject: English                                                                            Class: VI
Name: ______________________                                   Date: _____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instructions:Attempt all Questions.
Q.1: Answer these questions.
What are travelling etiquettes.
What is the difference between test and exams.
What is meant by sport man ship?
Which season do you like the most?
Why is the present age called the modern age?
Q . 2 Choose the  correct answers.
The main idea of paragraph I is.
Exams  b. Stress      c. Tests
The main idea of paragraph 2 is.
Stress         b. Tests    c. Exams
Paragraph 3 shows supporting details in the form of
Definition b. Example c. Evident
Sport man ship mean is
Cheat b.    Don’t cheat c. Lose
Out national game is
Hockey b.   Cricket c. Football
  Q. 3 Write a letter to your mother asking about your money.
Q. 4 Write an Essay any one topic .
                          i. Quaid-e-Azam     ii. My Class Room
Q. 5 Write an application for fee concession.
Q. 6 Write a story on any one topic.
i. Thirsty Crow    ii. A Greedy Dog
English English        Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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