Mathematics Class Eight

Subject: Mathematics Class:  VIII
Time: 30 minutes Marks: 25
Name: ______________________                                           Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Q.1. Write the answers of the following questions.
What is pollination?  /2.5




Define chemical change. Give examples.  /2.5



State laws of refraction.   /2.5




What is conduction?   /2.5




Q.2. Chose the correct option.  /10
When a light ray passes from one medium to another at an angle:
reflection occurs
refraction occurs
refraction does not occur
reflection does not occur
Which of the following objects does not reflect light?
a microscope
a magnifier
a camera
a mirror
We see a mirage due to the:
reflection of light
total internal reflection
dispersion of light
refraction of light
both b & d
The speed of sound in air is:
greater than that of light
100 Km / h
100 m / h
330 m / h

Sound waves travel more quickly through:
solids b) gases c) air d) liquids
vi. Burning a match stick is an example of a:
 physical change
chemical change
change in pressure
change of colour
vii. Which one is a physical change?
frying egg
breaking a wooden stick
burning of candle
toasting bread
viii. The reverse process of peristalsis:
breathing  b)  burning    
c) vomiting     d)  blood circulation
ix. Which structure is helpful to the pollen grains to carry sperms to the ovary?
cotyledon      b)  carpel  c) pollen tube    d)  seed
The outermost layer of the earth is known as:
core b)  crust c)  mental d) lava

Q.3. Write down the proper term/word against each statement. /5
Male and female sex cells            _____________________
Most grasses are pollinated by ______________________ 
It protects a seed _______________________
It can maintain the temperature of drinks ______________________
The transfer of heat by direct contact of molecules ______________________
Mathematics Class Eight Mathematics Class Eight Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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