Mathematics Class Seven

Subject: Mathematics Class:  VIi
Time: 30 minutes          Marks: 25
Name: ______________________                                           Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Q.1. Write the answers of the following questions.
What is cell?        /2.5




What is photosynthesis?        /2.5



Q.2. Encircle the correct answer.   /10
When elements are joined chemically in a compound, they:
a) loose their original properties.     
 b) keep their original properties.   
c) become a mixture.     
 d) become another element. 

Which of the following does not describe elements?
all the particles are alike
can join together to form compounds
c) can be broken down into simpler substances   
 d) have particular properties
Which substance is a compound?
sodium chloride
Which process can be used to separate salt from the mixture of salt and water?
paper chromatography
How can you see the colours of chemicals present in bright-coloured chocolate beans?
by distillation
by sublimation
by paper chromatography
by filtration
Thick blanket of air around the Earth is:
a) Earth cover     
 b) atmosphere   
c) wind     
 d) Earth’s coat 
We can produce a lot of urea fertilizer because:
there is oxygen in the air.
there is a lot of nitrogen in the air.
c) there is carbon dioxide in the air.
d) there is water in the air.
During their space journeys, rockets use:
liquid oxygen b) liquid nitrogen
liquid hydrogen d) liquid carbon dioxide
We want our bun to be fluffy. Which gas can help us?
carbon dioxide
Percentage of CO2 in air is about:
Q.3. Write the answer of the following questions in one word.  /10
The process in which energy produced in living things is called?  ___________________
The simplest form of matter is called? _______________

The solution in which water is solvent called?  ________________

When parallel light rays hit a rough surface, all the rays are reflected at different angles. What is it called? __________________

Sound is produced when matter move back and forth very quickly.
What a back and forth movement is called?   _________________

The system consists of nose, windpipe and lungs. We breathe through this organ. What is it called? ________________

Which gas is used to preserve freshness of foods? __________________

The fact that energy cannot be created or destroyed.  _________________

The process by which separation of coloured chemicals  takes place ________________

The hole in the middle of the iris is known as  __________________
Mathematics Class Seven Mathematics Class Seven Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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