Social Studies

Time: 1 hr 30 Mins                      Total Marks: 50
Subject: Social Studies                                                                    Class: VI
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instruction: Attempt all Questions.
Q. No1. Select the correct answer.
What was called the head of  shoqq.
Shiqq Dat b. Nazim  c. kotwal   d. Soob-e-dar
Who was called the head of the Diwan-e-Arz?
Sadr-us- sadr b. Arz  c. Sahib-e-Diwan
d. Wazir 
From which Raee khilyis belonged?
Turk b. Afghan c. Arab d. Mughal 
Which was the king who established returning system 
Qutubuddin Aibak b. Iltukmish c. Allauddin
 d. M. Tughlaq
Which affairs were dealt in Diwan-e-Wazarat
Financial b. Administrative  c. Religious  d. Military 

Q . 2 Match the column.
Lalaluddin was founder of khilji Family remained ruler  Due to its production khilji dynasty
Allauddin introduced tughlak belong to Turk race
Region of duba was fertile The economic reforms for 30 years
Q 3. Give short answers.
Who was Ameer Taimur?
Write any two causes of decline of delhi sultanate.
 What job did kotwal perform?
Who wrote Tarikh-e-Feroz shahi.
Who laid the foundation of Qutub Minar.
Q .4 Tick the True or False.
Dewan-e- Resalat performed religious matters.
Ammer Hajib was shahi officer.
Data Ganj Baksh don’t write any book.
Shahabuddin was the founder of suharwardiah chain.
The original home land of Lal Shahbaz in turk. 
Q . 5 Give answer in detail.
What do you know about the chains of mystics in the subcontinent.
Write the causes of decline of Saltnat delhi.
Write a note on economic system of Allauddin Khilji?

Social Studies Social Studies Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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