Subject: General Science Class: 9th

Time: 2 Hrs 30 Mins            Total Marks: 75
Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
Subject: General Science                                                  Class:  9th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C & D. The choice which you think is correct, encircle that option. Cutting or overwriting will result in zero mark.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 20 minutes Total Marks: 15
Q.1. Choose the correct option i.e. a, b, c d and circle it.
i. The contents of sodium in leaf tissues vary from:
a) 0.01-10%       b) 10-15%          c)    12-16%               d) 30-40%
ii. The backbone of each and every organic compound is:
a) Oxygen         b)   Carbon        c)     Nitrogen         d) Hydrogen
iii. Which of the following is animal starch?
a)   Amylase       b) Glycogen      c) Starch      d) Maltase
iv. The shape of enzyme is:
a)  rod-shaped    b) v-shaped    c)   rectangular   d) globular
v. Which of the following is located at the base of the brain?
a)   Thyroid   b) Parathyroid    c) Pituitary gland d) Pancreas
vi. Injection of DPT is not effective against _____________.
 diphtheria    b) polio
c) whooping cough d) tetanus

vii. The chemical which is present in smoke of cigarette:
tar      b)   nicotine
c) carbon monoxide        d)  all of these   
viii. What is the thickness of atmosphere?
 1000 km b)  1200 km
c)  1600 km       d) 200 km
ix. The %age of CO2 in atmosphere is:
 40 % b) 0.4 % 
c)  0.04 % d) 0.004 % 
x. In which of the following layer of atmosphere, ozone gas form a protective layer?
       a)  troposphere b) stratosphere
       c)   mesosphere d)  thermosphere
xi. Which of the following is located at the base of the brain?
a)   Thyroid   b) Parathyroid    c) Pituitary gland d) Pancreas
xii. The antibiotic cephalosporin was discovered in:
a)     1848     b) 1948          c) 1928        d) 1998
xiii.  ____are the chemical messengers.
a)  Glands     b)   Vitamins     c) Hormones        d) All of these
xiv. Allotrope of carbon which can be used as a lubricant is:
a)   Graphite b) Charcoal      c) Diamond      d) Soot
xv. Genetics information is transferred by:
a)   Chromosomes   b) Gametes    c) Nucleus   d) Genes

Subjective Part
Note: Provide the students with extra sheets to solve the subjective part.
Time Allowed: 2 hrs 10 minutes Total Marks: 60
Q.2. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
Define biology.
Define Plasma.
What is industrial use of chlorine?
Define genetic engineering.
What is the role of iron in human body?
Why Bu-Ali-Sina is so famous?
State the difference between botany & zoology.
What do you mean by scientific method?
Q.3. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
Define chemistry.
Define respiration.
How does malaria prevail?
Injection of DPT generates immunity against which diseases?
Define photosynthesis.
What do you mean by metabolism?
Define the term ‘catalyst’.
Enlist basic components of food.
Q.4. Attempt any six questions. (6x2=12)
Define Bio-Physics.
What is an ATP?
Define Balance diet.
What is microbiology?
What are minerals?
Define ‘First Aid’.
 What do you mean by sterilization?
Write down properties of water (Any two).

Note: Attempt any three questions. (3x8=24)
Q.5. a. What are vitamins? In how many groups you can divide them? (4)
          b. Write a detailed note on causes & preventive measure of water pollution. (4)
Q.6. a. What are the limitations of science? (4)
          b. Write down the properties of water? (4)
Q.7. a. Write down the allotropic forms of carbon and their properties. (4)
          b. Describe the structure of DNA. (4)
Q.8. a. What are vitamins? Discuss them in detail. (4)
          b. What do you mean by balanced diet? (4)
Q.9. a. How can you justify that DNA is a transgenic material? (4)
          b. Write detail note on role of oxygen in air. (4)

Answer key
Q.1. Select the best option and circle it.
Q# Right Option

Subject: General Science Class: 9th Subject: General Science     Class:  9th Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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