General Mathematics Class: IX

                                              Term: III
Time:  2 hours 30 mins         Total Marks: 75
Subject:  General Mathematics                                                           Class: IX
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Time Allowed: 20 min       Marks: 15
Fifteen (15) Multiple choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks. Encircle the correct option.
Q. No. 1 Encircle the correct option.
i. In a proportion a : b : : c : d, a and d are called:
a. Extreme b.  Antecedent c.   Consequent d.   Mean

ii. 0.14 as percentage is:
14 b.   40 c.   14 % d.    1.4 %
iii.  If there is only a single daughter or an agnatic granddaughter, her share is fixed:
  b.    c.      d.
iv.      A. M between   and   is:
  b.    c.        d.   
v.    SP =  …………… where SP > CP.
a. Profit  ̶  CP b.     
c.   CP  ̶  Loss d.   
vi. The company undertaking the act of insurance is called:
Insurer b.   Insured c.   Insurance      d.    Insurance policy
vii. is called:
Radical b.   Radicand c.   Rational number d.   Integer
viii.   where ‘x’ is a multiple of “2”. the range of  is:
a)   {4, 6, 8, 10, 12} b)    { 3, 4, 5, 6} c)   {3, 4, 5}    d)   {2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
ix.      If R = {(4, 5), (5, 4), (5, 6), (6, 4)} then the range of R is:
a)   { 4 } b)   { 5 } c)  { 6 } d)    {4, 5, 6}
x. The fourth term of  , when n = 0 is:
a)    b)    c)    d)  0
xi.   is called:
a)  Mean b)   Geometric mean c) Mode    d) Weighted mean
xii. In the logarithm of a number the integral part is called:
a)  Characteristic b) Mantissa c) Decimal part d) Real part
xiii. The tax in addition to the price of the article is called:

a)   tax b)   sales tax c)  income tax d)    sales tax

xiv. Loss is there when:
a)  SP = CP b)   SP < CP c) SP = MP d)   SP > CP

xv. Ushr on a wheat crop produced on natural resources among Rs. 1, 50,000 is:

10, 000 b) 5000 c) 15, 000 d)   20,000

Part -I
Time Allowed: 2 hours 10 mins           Marks: 60

Note: Use separate sheets for subjective section.

Q. No. 2   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
What is meant by extremes and means?
Define compound proportion.
If profit = 5 % and CP = Rs. 1540 then find SP.
Who is called sahib-e-Nisab Muslim?
If the value of gold is Rs. 11, 10,000 then calculate the payable amount of Zakat.
A railway train carries 800 passengers, 55 % passengers are men, 15 % are children. What is the percentage of women?
Convert 5000 Saudi Riyals into Pakistani Rupee if one Riyal = Rs. 22.400
Find the CP, when S.P =Rs. 100 Profit 
Find the value of “x” in the proportion 20 : 50 : : 80 : x.

Q. No. 3   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
Evaluate   .
What is debit card?
Khalid works 6 day per week. Find his gross monthly wage, if his rate of pay is
Rs. 200 per day.
  How long would Rs. 1250 have to be deposited at 6 % per year simple profit to  gain Rs. 750 simple profit?
Simplify  and answer in exponential form.
Find G.M between   ̶  2 and  ̶  8.
Find the A. M between  and  .
Simplify  and write the answer in scientific notation.
Simplify  .

Q. No. 4   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
Define into function.
For any three sets A, B and C prove associative law of intersection.
Draw the graph by plotting the points A (1, 0), B (7, 0), C (1, 8)
     iv. If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} and A = {3, 4, 5} then find Ac.
Find the mean of the following data.
                  4, 6, 7, 4, 8, 9, 7, 10
     vi.     What is Cartesian plane and linear graph?
vii. Define Binary Relation.
viii.    If A = {3, 5, 6} and B = {1, 3} then find A × B.
      ix.     If U = {4, 6, 8, 9, 10} and  A = {4, 6} then find U  ̶  A.

Part -II

Note: Attempt three questions.
Q. No. 5
  (a)     A factory makes 560 fans in 7 days with the help of 20 machines. How many fans can be made in 12 days with the help of 18 machines? /04 (b) Asghar left a property of worth Rs. 4, 80, 000. He left behind a widow, three sons and four daughters. Calculate the share of each one. /04
Q. No. 6
(a) A boy bought a book for Rs. 575 and sold it for Rs. 320. What was his loss percentage? /04
(b) Mr. Ahmed Ali insured his house worth 75, 00,000 @ 2 % for 4 years. Calculate the amount paid in 4 years, while the rate of depreciation is 10 % yearly. /04

Q. No. 7
(a)     The price of a tricycle is Rs. 4000. If 16 % sales tax is charged, then calculate the amount of sales tax on 30 such tricycles. /04
(b) Use logarithmic table and evaluate . /04
 Q. No. 8
(a) Insert five geometric means between  /04
(b) If  . Find its domain and range R. /04

Q. No. 9  The following table shows a frequency distribution of grades on a final      examination in mathematics. Locate quartiles graphically. /08

Grade 90-99 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39
No of Students 9 32 43 21 11 3 1

Answer Key
Q. No. 1  Encircle the correct option.  
Q. No Answers
i. a
ii. c
iii. a
iv. a
v. b
vi. a
vii. a
viii. d
ix. d
x. c
xi. d
xii. a
xiii. b
xiv. b
xv. c


General Mathematics Class: IX General Mathematics Class: IX Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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