Subject: Science Class: IV paper

Time:  2 Hrs Total Marks: 100
Subject: Science                                                              Class: IV
Name: _____________                    Date: ___________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Total Marks: 60 Objective Part Time: 1Hr
Q.1. Choose the option from the box and fill in the blanks. (1 x 10=10)
The path along which the current flows is called____________.
In ________________ circuit the bulbs are attached in a series.
A ______________ is a safety device.
There are two types of magnets __________________ and ________________.
There are two groups of materials, magnetic and ____________________.
The earth completes its one orbit around the sun in ____________ days.
The earth is tilted at ________________ on its axis.
The seasons are caused due to the __________________ of the earth.
The longest day of the year is ____________________.
The period of revolution of Mercury is __________________ days.

Q.2. Match Column A with Column B. (1 x 10=10)
Column A Column B
heat digestive system
temperature muscular system
a temperature scale skeleton
normal human body temperature sense organs
a safety thermometer sensed by touch
helps in digesting food degree of hotness
helps to move bones kelvin
bony structure of the body 98.6 ˚c
sense and response to the environment plastic strip thermometer
helps the exchange of gases respiratory system

Q.3. Put tick (√) for the correct and (X) for incorrect. (1 x 10=10)
A crane uses electromagnets to lift heavy iron material. __________
A current can pass through an insulator easily. ___________
Only the magnetic materials can be made a magnet. ____________
Iron and copper are the examples of electrical conductors. ___________
A magnet always points towards East & West. ____________
Like poles attract each other. ___________
Magnet is used in door bells. ___________
Electromagnets are used with the help of electricity. __________
Earth completes its one rotation around it axis in 24 hours. ____________
A hammer is not a simple machine. _________

Q.4. Complete the sentences by choosing the correct options. (1 x 10=10)
Earth rotates on its ______________.
Earth is the ______________planet of the solar system.
Earth completes its one rotation around its axis in ________.
365 days
24 hours
Electricity is the form of ______________.
The materials which allows current to pass through them easily are called:
Heat is the form of ____________.
Heat flows from ________________ object to _______________.
colder, hotter
hotter, colder
Temperature is the measure of ______________.
Clinical thermometers are used to measure _____________ temperature.
human body

The scales used to measure the temperature are ________________.
kelvin, celsius, fahrenheit
kilometer, meter, centimeter

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Subject: Science Class: IV paper Subject: Science   Class: IV paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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