Science Class: V paper

Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 100
Name: _____________                     Date: ___________
Subject: Science                                                                Class: V
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: This paper consists of two parts. Attempt each part according to the given instructions. Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong. Provide extra sheet to the students for subjective part.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 1 hr Total marks: 60
Q. 1. Choose the right answer and circle it.                                            (1 x 20=20)
Number of cotyledons in pea seed is:
one b) two c)  three d) four
Which of the following is true about vertebrates?
All have lungs    b) all have gills
All have backbone d) all have jointed legs
Water is always present in the air as:
fog   b) clouds
frost d) vapours
Conversion of gas to liquid is called:
condensation b) evaporation
freezing d) boiling
Matter changes from one state to another with the change in:
temperature    b) place c) volume d) shape
What is true about vertebrate?
          a) all have lungs b) all have gills
c) all have backbone   d) all have jointed legs
The objects which do not allow light to pass through them are:
transparent           b) translucent c) luminous   d) opaque
A shadow of an object is formed because the:
object is luminous    b) object is opaque
object is too big d) object is transparent
Electric current is the flow of:
heat     b) light  c) charges d) atoms
To protect an appliance from damage we use:
switch b) fuse
bulb d) battery cell
Which one of the following is not an electrical component?
microphone b) telephone
electric motor d) magnet
Diameter of the earth is about:
          a) 4900 km b) 6800 km c) 12100 km d) 12756 km
Moon completes one revolution around the Erath in:
27 days     b) 28 days c) 29 or 30 days d) 31 days
Before which planet does the Venus orbit?
Mercury b) Mars c) Earth d) Saturn
The planet nearest to the Sun is:
Venus     b) Jupiter    c) Mercury    d) Neptune
Which of the following is the best material for making an electromagnet?
rubber b) glass
iron d) plastic

The light from the Sun reaches the Earth in about:
          a) 5 minutes b) 8 minutes
    c) 10 minutes d) 15 minutes
Fish breathe through:
lungs     b) skin     c) gills       d) mouth
An animal with jointed legs:
earthworm b) cockroach
c) snake d) starfish
Which one of the following is opposite to boiling?
evaporation        b) freezing
c) melting    d) condensation
Q.2. Fill in the blanks with suitable word.                (1x11=11)
When a liquid changes to a gas, this is called ________________.
____________ is the term used to describe the process when a liquid changes into a solid.
Gases __________ on cooling.
Light travels in a ___________________.
Thunder clouds have opposite ____________ on them.
A ____________ pulls iron pieces only.
A ____________ makes the current flow in a circuit.
___________ is not a planet.
The __________ is third planet from the sun.
The first artificial satellite named as __________ was launched into space in 1957.
All the animals are included in ____________________.

Q .3. Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’ according to their option.            (1x10=10)
Column A Column B
fungi clean water, clean glass & air
gas particles travels in straight line
light water bodies
transparent things sun, bulb & torch
luminous objects are rust & smut
drying of clothes 2 moons
condensation cannot compressed easily
sea, river, lake & canal freely move in all directions
solids formation of dew
Mars evaporation

Q.4. (a) Write down the most relevant option under the given pictures. (1x7=7)
 Image result for science pictures

Science Class: V paper  Science  Class: V paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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