Science Class: VI paper

Time: 2 hours: 30 mins Total Marks: 100
Name: _____________            Date: ___________
Subject: Science                                                                Class: VI
1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Provide extra sheet to the students to attempt long questions.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 1 hr Total Marks: 60
Q.1. Write down the proper term/word against each statement. (12 x 1=12)
The brain of the cell which controls its functions _____________________
Outer covering of a plant cell _____________________
Air enters the nose through it _____________________
The hole in the middle of the iris _____________________
The gas that makes up the largest part of air _____________________
A gas which is filled in soda water bottles _____________________
First artificial satellite in space ______________________
Used to see very small things           ______________________
A mirror that forms mostly real images                      _____________________
A substance in a solution that is dissolved           ______________________ 
A solution with less quantity of solute _______________________
Carries signals of sound to the brain _______________________
Q.2. Circle the letter of the best answer. (1 x 17=17)
A solution that contains a large amount of solute is best described as:
a) unsaturated     
b) dilute
c) concentrated     
 d) weak
We make a solution when we mix:
salt & water
sugar & cinnamon
c) vegetables in a salad   
 d) cheese sauce & macaroni
Which of the following increases the solubility of a gas in a liquid?
increasing the temperature
decreasing the temperature
decreasing the amount of liquid
Particles settle down in a:
Which one is a universal solvent?
cooking oil

Thick blanket of air around the Earth is:
a) Earth cover     
 b) atmosphere   
c) wind     
 d) Earth’s coat 
We can produce a lot of urea fertilizer because:
there is oxygen in the air
there is a lot of nitrogen in the air
c) there is carbon dioxide in the air
d) there is water in the air
During their space journeys, rockets use:
liquid oxygen
liquid nitrogen
liquid hydrogen
liquid carbon dioxide
Sound waves travel most quickly through:
When does our body use more energy?
when we speak gently
when we talk to our friends
when we cry over others
when we talk to our mother
Light reflects regularly from a surface which is:
a) opaque and rough  
b) rough
c) black    
 d) smooth & shiny
The “ power houses” of the cell are:
c) vacuoles   
 d) chromosomes
Aamir was looking at a cell through a microscope and saw mitochondria and cell membrane. What could Aamir say about the cell?
it can only be a plant cell.
it can only be an animal cell.
it is either a plant or an animal cell.
it is neither a plant nor an animal cell.
Heart, liver and ears are examples of animal:
organs b) tissues
cells d) organ system
Plants make their food in leaves and it is stored in other parts because:
they have xylem tissues.
they have roots.
they have stems.
they have phloem tissues.
The control room of our body is:
a) heart     
 b) stomach 
c) brain   
 d) liver 
The most sensitive part of our eyes is:
c) pupil
d) lens

Q.3. Fill in the concept map using the following words. (4)
suspension matter solution mixture

Q.4. Write short answers of the following questions in the given space. (7 x 3=21)
What is atmosphere?
What is solubility?
What energy changes takes place as a tube light is turned on?
What are comets?
What happens to pupil of our eyes when we switch the lamp on?
A doorknob is a wheel and axle. How does it work?
What happens to the sense of taste, when we have a bad cold?
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Science Class: VI paper Science Class: VI paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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