Science Class: III paper

Time: 1 hr 30 Mins     Total Marks: 50
Subject: Science                                                             Class: III
Name: _____________                   Date: ___________
1 2 3 4 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q.1. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.     (1x10=10)
Light travels in _____________ lines.
Light travels _______________ than sound.
Sunlight has ___________ colours.
A green leaf reflects ____________ colour.
The moon does not have its own ___________.
A mirror can ____________ light.
A magnet has ____________ poles.
The earth behaves like a ___________________.
Magnetic compass is used in ___________ and _______________.
Like poles __________________ each other.
Q.2. Write T for true and F for false statement. (1x10 =10)
The moon is star. __________
Our earth has one moon. ___________
The moon is a natural satellite. ___________
Solar system has eight planets. ___________
Jupiter is the biggest planet. __________
Constellation is a group of stars. __________
Mercury is closest to sun. __________
Planets have their own light.    _________
The moon changes its shape every night.   __________
The earth is not a planet.  _________
Q.3. Answer the following questions.               (3x10=30)
What are stars?
What are sound waves?
What do you mean by an orbit?
Describe solar system.
What is a magnetic field?
What is a magnet? Write some uses of magnet.
State the difference between luminous and non-luminous objects.
What do you mean by opaque objects?
Write seven colours of light.
Name some transparent objects.

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Science Class: III paper Science Class: III paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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