
Time: 2 hrs 30 mins        Total Marks: 100
Subject: English                                                                            English
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Total Marks: 40 (Objective Part)  Time: 1 hour 
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/ re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Use separate sheets for subjective part.

Q.1 (a): Read the sentences given below and write whether the underlined nouns are countable or uncountable. /08
The exercises in this book are interesting. ____________
I’d like some juice please! ____________
My father drinks two big cups of tea every morning. ____________
Some policemen have gathered on the road. ____________
I bought three bottles of water. ____________
I met some nice people yesterday. ____________
The waiters in this restaurant are very polite. ____________
The maid spilled the oil on the floor. ____________
mine his hers ours theirs
(b): Use a possessive pronoun from the box below to complete each sentence. /05

I bought a new video game. It is ____________.
The jacket belongs to Diana. The jacket is ____________.
The cats belong to Lisa and Sheila. The cats are ____________.
This telephone number belongs to Babar. It is ____________.
You and I live in this house. The house is ____________.

Q.2: Match the words given in Column A with the words in Column B to form compound words. /07   

Column A Column B Compound Words
grand stairs
earth man
foot quake
post ball
up mother
rain pot
tea coat

Q.3 (a): Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct compound preposition from the brackets. /05
The teacher usually stands _____________ the class. (far away, in front of)
The schools is _____________ my house. (next to, along with)
He was _____________ me in line. (in front of, along with)
Kashif’s house is _____________ my house. (far from, in front)
Father asks Ali to come _____________ him. (far from, along with)
 (b): Match the words in Column A to their meanings in Column B. /05
Column A Column B
defeat not educated
advanced give help
explosion to lose in sports or war
illiterate sudden loud noise like a bomb
support make progress

Q.4 (a): Change the form of these sentences. (From Active to Passive or vice versa)   /05
The player kicked the ball.
The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
The work was done by the servant.
The students decorated the room.
Hina baked the cake.
(b): Change the direct speech into indirect speech by changing the pronouns. /05
They complained, ‘We will not allow this.’
We explained, ‘We need to buy some clothes.’
She said to him, ‘You can go.’
They said, ‘He does not have the necessary qualifications.’
I said, ‘I will go with you to the market.’
Total Marks: 60 Subjective Part  Time: 1 hr 30 mins
Q.5: Translate the following sentences into English. /10
 1۔ ارشد کتاب پڑھتا ہے۔       2۔ اس نے خط لکھا۔      3۔ سورج غروب ہو رہا ہے۔      4۔ وہ آم کھائے گا۔
5۔   وہ جھوٹ بول رہی تھی۔      6۔ کیا اکبر محنت کرتا ہے؟     7۔ کیا تم روزانہ نہاتے ہو؟    8۔ کل بارش نہیں ہوئی۔
9۔ وہ اپنا وقت ضائع نہیں کرے گا۔     10۔ ہم پھول نہیں توڑ رہے تھے۔
Q.6: Recall the lessons and answer the following questions. /20
i. How were Kausar and Shazia rescued? (When the flood came…)
ii. How were the ants busy?          (The ant and the dove)
iii. Where did his aunt tell him to go? (The ant and the dove)
iv. On what day does the Chinese New Year Festival begin? How long does it last? (Festivals)
v. Describe the egg balancing custom. (Festivals)
Q.7: Think of any happy occasion that has taken place in your house and write a news report on it. /10
Q.8: Write an application to the principal for leave to join a marriage ceremony. /10
Q.9: Write a paragraph on the topic “My Chair”. /10

Answer Key
Q.1 (a):
The exercises in this book are interesting. countable
I’d like some juice please! uncountable
My father drinks two big cups of tea every morning. countable
Some policemen have gathered on the road. countable
I bought three bottles of water. uncountable
I met some nice people yesterday. countable
The waiters in this restaurant are very polite. countable
The maid spilled the oil on the floor. uncountable

I bought a new video game. It is mine.
The jacket belongs to Diana. The jacket is hers.
The cats belong to Lisa and Sheila. The cats are theirs.
This telephone number belongs to Babar. It is his.
You and I live in this house. The house is ours.


Column A Column B Compound Words
grand stairs grandmother
earth man earthquake
foot quake football
post ball postman
up mother upstairs
rain pot raincoat
tea coat teapot

Q.3 (a):
The teacher usually stands _____________ the class. (far away, in front of)
The schools is _____________ my house. (next to, along with)
He was _____________ me in line. (in front of, along with)
Kashif’s house is _____________ my house. (far from, in front)
Father asks Ali to come _____________ him. (far from, along with)
Column A Column B
defeat to lose in sports or war
advanced make progress
explosion sudden loud noise like a bomb
illiterate not educated
support give help

Q.4 (a):
The ball was kicked by the player.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
The servant did the work.
The room was decorated by the students.
The cake was baked by Hina.
They complained that they would not allow that.
We explained that we needed to buy some clothes.
She told him that he could go.
They said that he did not have the necessary qualifications.
I said that I would go with you/him/her to the market.
Arshad reads a book.
He wrote a letter.
The sun is setting.
He will eat a mango.
She was telling a lie.
Does Akbar work hard?
Do you take bath daily?
It did not rain yesterday.
He will not waste his time.
We were not plucking the flowers.
Q.6: Open-ended
Q.7: Open-ended
Q.8: Open-ended
Marking scheme for application:
Criteria Marks allocated
Format of an application            5 marks
Grammatically correct sentences 3 marks
Punctuation and Spelling 1 marks
Presentation (handwriting, neatness)      1 mark
Q.9: Open-ended
Marking Scheme for Paragraph writing:
Criteria Marks allocated
Logical sequence  (introduction, development and conclusion) 6 marks
Grammatically correct sentences             2 marks
Punctuation and Spelling                    1 marks
Presentation  (handwriting, neatness)  1 mark

English English Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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