English Class: VII

Time: 2 hrs 30 mins       Total Marks: 100
Subject: English                                                                                Class: VII
Name: ______________________                                      Date: _____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Total Marks: 40 (Objective Part)  Time: 1 hour
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/ re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Use separate sheets for subjective part.

Q.1 (a): Fill in the blanks in each pair of sentences with the correct word. /10
1. hard, hardly
Joe always works _______________________________.
I _________________ hear from Asif even though he is my best friend.
2. reason, cause
Heat is the ______________ of expansion of this substance.
He told me the _____________________ why I wanted to emigrate.
3. little, few
He bought a _______________ chocolates before he went home.
You have very _______________time to make up your mind.
4. many, much
There is not _________________space in the car; you have to squeeze in with the others.
There are too _________________ grammatical errors in your composition.
 5. scene, scenery
Switzerland is well known for its beautiful _________________.
The boats with their colourful sails make a lovely _________________ on the lake.
(b): Circle the correct pronoun for each sentence. /05
(He/ His) sister is my best friend.
Please tell (them/ they) to collect their cheques.
(We/ Us) are going by bus.
Are you talking to (I/ me)?
Where is (my/ mine) pen?
Q.2 (a): Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. /05
The toy has fallen __________________ the table.
Princess Jasmine is sitting _______________the cushion.
The month of Shaban comes ________________Ramazan.
My money is _____________ the wallet.
The monkey is swinging ____________one branch to another.
 (b): Write True or False after the following statements. /05
Longfellow is referring to kings and emperors who are already dead. __________
The poet is talking about a business trip. __________
He is saying that all the riches that one accumulates will be left behind in this world. __________
Longfellow is saying that death does not come for all. __________
Haroun Al Raschid found the poem funny. __________

Q.3 (a): Match the words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B. /06
Column A Column B
launched extreme happiness
psychic not legally, but as a sign of respect
predicted very clever
euphoria foretold
honorary started
canny one who has the ability to predict the future
(b): Punctuate the following with capital letters, commas, and fullstops. /04
afia is sarah’s sister
the pencils rubbers and sharpeners are in the bag
the pakistan resolution was passed in lahore
rashid minhas was a brave pilot
Q.4: Rewrite the following sentences in active or passive voice as necessary.                                                                                                /05
The woman opened the gate.

He will finish his homework in an hour.
The old man was being rescued by some boys.
People suffered great losses because of the earthquake.
The crew of MV Suez was helped by Mr. Ansar Burney.

Total Marks: 60 (Subjective Part)  Time: 1 hr 30 mins
Q.5: Use the following words in your own sentences. /10
territory, charity, wounded, attained, cordoned
Q.6: Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the given adjectives.
                                                                                                                         / 10
large, wise, close, dry, lazy, happy,   beautiful, dreadful, good, many
Q.7: Recall the lessons and answer the following questions. /10
Whose footsteps do you think were heard at the beginning of the story? Give reasons for your answer. (Great men)
Describe in detail why Major Shabbir Shaheed was considered to be exceptionally brave.                 (Tales of courage)
Why did Major Shabbir Shaheed receive the Sitara-e-Jurat in 1965? (Tales of courage)
What do you understand by the term ‘emotional scars’? How are they different from physical scars? (Bravo)
Why does the author compare the seamen to a cat with nine lives? (A happy ending)

Q.8: Write a letter to your friend on the death of his father. /10
Q.9: Write an application to your principal for fee concession. /10
Q.10: Write an essay on the topic “A Morning Walk”. /10

Answer Key
1. hard, hardly
Joe always works hard.
I hardly hear from Asif even though he is my best friend.
2. reason, cause
Heat is the cause of expansion of this substance.
He told me the reason why I wanted to emigrate.
3. little, few
He bought a few chocolates before he went home.
You have very little time to make up your mind.
4. many, much
There is not much space in the car; you have to squeeze in with the others.
There are too many grammatical errors in your composition.
 5. scene, scenery
Switzerland is well known for its beautiful scenery.
The boats with their colourful sails make a lovely scene on the lake.

(He/ His) sister is my best friend.
Please tell (them/ they) to collect their cheques.
(We/ Us) are going by bus.
Are you talking to (I/ me)?
Where is (my/ mine) pen?

Q.2 (a):

Longfellow is referring to kings and emperors who are already dead. True
The poet is talking about a business trip. False
He is saying that all the riches that one accumulates will be left behind in this world. True
Longfellow is saying that death does not come for all. False
Haroun Al Raschid found the poem funny. False
Q.3 (a):
Column A Column B
launched started
psychic one who has the ability to predict the future
predicted foretold
euphoria extreme happiness
honorary not legally, but as a sign of respect
canny very clever
Afia is Sarah’s sister.
The pencils, rubbers and sharpeners are in the bag.
The Pakistan Resolution was passed in Lahore.
Rashid Minhas was a brave pilot.

The gate was opened by the woman.
His homework will be finished by him in an hour.
Some boys were rescuing the old man.
Great losses were suffered by people because of the earthquake.
Mr Ansar Burney helped the crew of MV Suez.

Q.5: Open-ended

Large  larger   largest wise,  wiser  wisest
Close  closer  closest dry,  drier  driest
Lazy   lazier   laziest happy, happier   happiest
beautiful, more beautiful most beautiful dreadful,   more dreadful  most dreadful
good, better best many   more   most

Q.7: Open-ended
Q.8: Open-ended
Marking Scheme for letter writing:
Criteria Marks allocated
Format of the letter            4 marks
Grammatically correct sentences 4 marks
Punctuation and Spelling 1 marks
Presentation (handwriting, neatness)      1 mark

Q.9: Open-ended
Marking scheme for application:
Criteria Marks allocated
Format of an application            5 marks
Grammatically correct sentences 3 marks
Punctuation and Spelling 1 marks
Presentation (handwriting, neatness)      1 mark
Q.10: Open-ended
Marking Scheme for essay writing:
Criteria Marks allocated
Logical sequence  (introduction, development and conclusion)             6 marks
Grammatically correct sentences             2 marks
Punctuation and Spelling                    1 marks
Presentation  (handwriting, neatness)  1 mark

English Class: VII English       Class: VII Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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