English Class: V

Time: 2 hrs            Total Marks: 100
Subject: English                                                                                          Class: V
Name: ______________________                                      Date: _____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Total Marks: 40 Objective Part  Time: 45 minutes
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/ re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Use separate sheets for subjective part.

Q.1 (a): Match the words in Column A to their meanings in Column B. /06
Column A Column B
eager cutting down trees
deforestation drug that causes sleepiness
crafty said it was wrong
condemned unusual, attractive
sedative cunning
exotic keen
 (b): Underline the collective nouns in the following sentences. /08
A herd of cows grazed in the field.
Sara presented a bouquet of flowers to her teacher.
A pack of wolfs attacked the small animals.
A crowd of spectators watched the match.
An army of soldiers fought the battle.
The gang of thieves was scared by the animals.
The group of friends lived happily together.
A pride of lions roamed in the jungle.
Q.2: Put the adjectives in correct order which are given in brackets to complete the sentences.                       /08
My grandfather gave me an _____________________________________ mirror. (antique – expensive – rectangular)
That _________________________________ man is a cricketer. (Pakistani – thin – young)
This company sells _________________________________ laptops. (Japanese – modern – small)
I have a _________________________________ clock in my sitting room. (old – wonderful – Pakistani)
I ate a _________________________________ apple. (ripe – delicious – green)
The _________________________________ box is on the table. (blue – big – square)
My father bought a _________________________________ suit. (woollen – large – black)
My sister has _________________________________ hair. (black – curly – long)
today peacefully never already abroad
Q.3 (a): Complete the sentences by adding the correct adverb from the box. /05

The student is going ________________.
The baby is sleeping ________________.
Jameel has ________________ completed his work.
He ________________ tells a lie.
You must clean your room ________________.

(b): Fill in the blanks with a helping verb. /08
________________ anyone know the answer to this question?
You ________________ to finish the work on time.
My mother ________________ cooking for me.
You ________________ be late if you don’t hurry.
The children ________________ playing happily in the garden.
The child ________________ crying because it was hurt.
They ________________ asking us to play with them.
We ________________ to buy some sugar.
Q.4: Change the following sentences into questions, beginning with the words given in brackets.                       /05
Mrs. Babar went abroad. (Did)
The farmer usually gets up before dawn. (Does)
The footballers practice at 4 p.m. (Do)
A storm is coming. (Is)
The students were late. (Were)

Total Marks: 60    Subjective Part            Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Q.5 (a): Use the following homophones in your own sentences. /10
pause, paws bail, bale rain, rein lesson, lessen vain, vein
(b): Translate the following passage into English. /05
ایک کسان کے پاس ایک گدھا تھا۔  وہ اسے بیچنا   چاہتا تھا۔  وہ اسے شہر لے گیا۔      ایک آدمی نے سو روپے میں  گدھا خرید لیا۔      کسان بہت خوش ہوا اور پیدل گھر واپس آ گیا۔

(c): Write down the definition of “Conjunction”. /05
Q.6: Recall the lessons and answer the following questions. /20
What are the reasons that cause floods? (Natural Disasters)       /4
What is a tsunami? (Natural Disasters) /2
Who was Christopher Columbus and which country was he from? (The Discovery of a New Continent)     /4
What is the result of the deforestation around Murree? What do you think are some of its causes? (Summers in Murree) /5
How did the police action in Islamabad affect the incident in Chitral? (Summers in Murree) /5
Q.7: Write a letter to your friend about your examination. /10
Q.8: Write an essay on the title “My Best Friend”. /10

Answer Key
Objective Part
Q.1 (a):
Column A Column B
eager keen
deforestation cutting down trees
crafty cunning
condemned said it was wrong
sedative drug that causes sleepiness
exotic unusual, attractive
A herd of cows grazed in the field.
Sara presented a bouquet of flowers to her teacher.
A pack of wolfs attacked the small animals.
A crowd of spectators watched the match.
An army of soldiers fought the battle.
The gang of thieves was scared by the animals.
The group of friends lived happily together.
A pride of lions roamed in the jungle.
My grandfather gave me an expensive, antique, rectangular mirror.
That thin, young, Pakistani man is a cricketer.
This company sells small, modern, Japanese laptops.
I have a wonderful, old, Pakistani clock in my sitting room.
I ate a delicious, ripe, green apple.
The big, square, blue box is on the table.
My father bought a large, black, woollen suit.
My sister has curly, long, black hair.
Q.3 (a):

The student is going abroad.
The baby is sleeping peacefully.
Jameel has already completed his work.
He never tells a lie.
You must clean your room today.

Does anyone know the answer to this question?
You have to finish the work on time.
My mother is cooking for me.
You will be late if you don’t hurry.
The children are playing happily in the garden.
The child was crying because it was hurt.
They are asking us to play with them.
We have to buy some sugar.

Did Mrs Babar go abroad?
Does the farmer usually get up before dawn?
Do the footballers practice at 4 p.m?
Is a storm coming?
Were the students late?

Subjective Part
Q.5 (a, c): Open-ended
A farmer had a donkey. He wanted to sell it. He took it to the city. A man bought the donkey in one hundred rupees. The farmer became very happy and returned home on foot.

Q.6: Open-ended
Q.7: Open-ended
Marking Scheme for letter writing:

Criteria Marks allocated
Format of a letter 4 marks
Grammatically correct sentences 3 marks
Punctuation and Spelling 2 marks
Presentation (handwriting, neatness)      1 mark

Q.8: Open-ended
Marking Scheme for essay writing:

Criteria Marks allocated
Logical sequence  (introduction, development and conclusion)             6 marks
Grammatically correct sentences             2 marks
Punctuation and Spelling                    1 marks
Presentation  (handwriting, neatness)  1 mark

English Class: V English    Class: V Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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