Subject: Computer Science Class: X

Time: 2 hrs                        Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science                        Class: X

 Name: _______________________                               Date: __________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all the given questions.
Cutting, erasing and over writing in any answer will be considered as incorrect.
Separate sheet will be used for subjective section.
Objective Part
Marks:10   Time: 15 mins
Q 1: Choose the suitable option for the following statements.                [10]

Division by 1 is ____________ error.
syntax c. runtime
logical d. none of these

The BASIC language was developed as an instructional tool for:
students   c. teachers
b. businessmen d. engineers
The program is a _______ that contains specific instructions, or statements, for the compiler.
command b. request c. file d. program
If a line has more than one statement, each must be separated by:
semi-colon (;) b. comma (,) c. colon (:)       d. slash (/)
Numeric variables can store:
floating point numbers c. both a and b
whole numbers d. none of these
During the execution the control of the program can be transferred from one part to another:
conditionally c. both a and b
unconditionally d. none of these
To exit from an error handling routine _____________ statement is used.
RESUME c. RESUME line number
 RESUME NEXT d. all of these
In _______________ stage the problem being solved is observed carefully and irrelevant information is filtered out.
analyze the problem c. design algorithm
problem Identification d. none of these
Desk checking is an important part of :
drawing flowchart c. writing a program
designing an algorithm d. none of these
Flowchart is a __________________ representation of algorithm.
graphical c. colourful
pictorial d. none of these

Marks: 40       Time: 1Hr 45mins
Part I
Q No. 2– Attempt any four parts           [4*2=08]
Describe the SCREEN statement.
How is the value of the variable accessed?
Define the Palette.
What is the advantage of AUTO command?
What is the difference between unconditional and conditional transfer of statements?
What is the use of print preview?
Q No. 3 - Attempt any four parts           [4*2=08]
Why is the use of GOTO statement discouraged?
Define variable.
What is a problem-solving method?
What is a top-design technique?
When does a syntax error occur?
In how many modes GW-BASIC can operate?
Q No.4- Attempt any four parts.                    [4 *2=08]
What is meant by DIM statement?
What is meant by Manipulation of array?
Define Graphic. Give the name of graphic modes?
What is IDE?
What is the format of Line statement?
What is the purpose of selection structure?

Part II
Note: Attempt any two questions.           [8*2=16] Q No. 5–What is debugging? How many types of errors can occur in a program? Describe   
Q No. 6–Define the COLOR statement. How many colour backgrounds are available with
              Color statement?
Q No. 7–Write a program to print the table of a given number. The program should get the
              number from the user.

Q-1. Choose the correct option:


Time: 2 hrs            Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science Class: X

Name:___________________ Date: _________
Questions 1 2 3 4 Total marks
Marks Obtained
Write down the stepwise procedure on answer sheet for each question.
Practical part
Q 1.a: Write a program to calculate the area of a circle when the radius is given.        [12]   (area = 3.14 * radius * radius)
       b: Also draw its flow chart.                                       [08]
Q 1.a: Write the given paragraph in computer in the following format:                  [12]
Font size: 11
Font style: Arial
Italic and underline the paragraph
Alignment: Centred
The workspace is the area in a window below the title bar or menu bar. Everything that relates to the applications noted in the title bar is displayed in the workspace. For example, the workspace of a word processing program contains one or more word processing documents.
b: Write down the stepwise procedure on answer sheet.                           [08]

Q 2: Write a program that read an array N with 20 numbers and find the product of the elements of array. Also draw its flow chart. [12, 08]
Q 2:  Write a program in BASIC language to calculate and print the sum of 2, 4, 6, ......100. Also draw its flowchart.   [12, 08]

Q 3:  Notebook.          [05] Q 4:  Viva Voce.          [05]              

Subject: Computer Science Class: X Subject: Computer Science    Class: X Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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