Subject: Computer Science Class: IX

Time: 2 hrs                        Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science                       Class: IX

Students Name: _______________________                            Date: __________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all the given questions.
Cutting, erasing and over writing in any answer will be considered as incorrect.
Separate sheet will be used for subjective section.
Objective Part
Marks: 10                  Time: 15 mins
Q 1: Choose the suitable option for the following statements.                         [10]

The third generation computers used
Vacuum Tubes c. Transistors
Integrated circuits d. Microprocessor
The contents of __________ do not need to be refreshed periodically.
Which of the following is not an input device?
Magnetic tape units c. Monitor
Floppy disk drive units d. Mouse
The bit at the left most end is called:
Most Significant Bit c. high-order bit
MSB d. all of these
The Bus with 8 lines can address memory location:
265 c. 256
275 d. 285

Input/output devices are also known as:
secondary devices c. volatile devices
peripheral devices d. non-volatile devices
Which of the following is not a type of bus in computer?
Data bus c. Power bus
Address bus d. Control bus
Tape storage is
slow than the hard disk c. direct access device
faster than hard disk d. All above
The resolution of the monitor is determined by:
phosphorus guns c. shadow mask
 video controller d. picture element
The hexadecimal number 10(16) is equal to
10(10) c. 16(10)
100(10) d. all of above

Marks: 40 Time: 1Hr 45mins
Part I
Q No. 2 – Answer any four parts          [4*2=8]
      Describe briefly CPU.
      Write a short note on EEPROM.
      What is a Hybrid computer?
      What is the disadvantage of a line printer?
      Enlist different memory measuring units.
      Write the steps needed to start a program.
Q No.3 Attempt any four parts. [4 *2=8]
Write steps to start windows explorer.
Write a short note on language translator.
Explain system software.
Define scanner.
How does a voice recognition system works?
What is the use of recycle bin?
Q No. 4– Attempt any four parts          [4*2=8]
Simplify the following Boolean function:
f(x, y) = x . y + x . y
What is a language translator?      
Write a short note on interpreter.
Write importance of binary system?
Which type of software is called device driver?
What is the difference between soft copy and hard copy?

                                               Part II
Note: Attempt any two questions.                 [8 x 2 =16]                           
Q No. 5– Define operating system. List important functions of operating system. 
Q No. 6–  Explain, using a labelled diagram, the concepts of track and sector when describing magnetic disk storage.
Q No. 7– What is a monitor? Differentiate between monochrome and colour monitors. 

Choose the correct option:

Subject: Computer Science Class: IX Subject: Computer Science     Class: IX Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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