
                                              Term: III
Time:  2 hours 30 mins         Total Marks: 75
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: X
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Time Allowed: 20 min       Marks: 15
Fifteen (15) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. No. 1 Encircle the correct option.

i. Which is an open sentence?
a)  3 > 2 b)  x + 2 = 3 c)  ̶  3 <  ̶  8 d)   3y < 7y

ii. Product of cube roots of unity is:
a)   0 b)  1 c)  ̶  1 d)  3

iii.   Lowest class limit in the interval (15 - 19) is:
15 b)  17 c)   19 d)  34
iv.   If x : 5 = 4 : 2 then x = ………..
a)  20 b)  10 c)  15 d)   5

v. If the two circles touch externally, then the distance between their centres is  equal to the:
a)  Difference of their radii    b)  Sum of their radii
c) Product of their radii d)   none of these

vi.   = _________________
a)    b)    c)    d)   

vii. The distance of any point of the circle to its centre is called:
a)   Radius b)  Diametre c)  A chord d)  An arc

viii. If  , then Alternendo property is:
    a)    b) 
    c)    d) 
ix. The solution set of the equation  is:
a)  {9, 5} b)  { ̶  5, 9} c) { 5,  ̶  9} d) { ̶  5,  ̶  9}
x. If number of elements in set A is 3 and set B is 2, then number of binary relation
A ×B is:
a)  23    b) 26  c) 28 d)  22

xi. In a right angle triangle base = 4 cm, perpendicular = 4 cm the hypotenuse will be equal to:
a)  8 cm b)     cm c)   cm     d)   12 cm
xii. Fourth proportional of 7, 21, 3 is:
a)   7 b)   8 c)   9 d)   10

xiii. How many common tangents can be drawn for two disjoint circles?

a)   Two b)   Three c)   Four d)   Five

xiv. Two chords of a circle which are equidistant from the centre are:

a)  Congruent b)  Concurrent c)  Similar d)  Greater
xv. In the figure, O is the centre of the circle, then the angle ‘x’ is:

a)  550 b)  1100 c)  2200 d)   1250

Part -I
Time Allowed: 2 hour 10 min Marks: 60
Note: Use separate sheet for subjective section.

Q. No. 2   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
Define compound open sentence and give example.
Find the solution set of 
Evaluate .
What do you know about Cartesian plane?
Solve  .
Define radical equation and give one example.
Define extraneous roots.
Find the solution set of 
Solve by factorization 
Q. No. 3   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12

What is meant by elimination and eliminant?
Eliminate “t” from equations   and  .
Write dividendo theorem.
Find value of “x” if 6 : 3 = 4 : x.
Write demerits of mode.
Find arithmetic mean for the information 
Eliminate ‘x’ by substitution method 
What is the difference between discrete and continuous variable.
Find the fourth proportional of 

Q. No. 4   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
i. Define major arc of the circle.
ii. Draw a circle of radius 4 cm. Take a point ‘D’ on it and draw a tangent at it.
    iii. Construct a triangle if 
iv. Differentiate between a sector and a segment of a circle.
v. Prove that 
vi. If   , find  .
    vii. Define transverse common tangents.
   viii. Write trigonometric ratios of 300.
    ix.    Find the value of  .

Part -II

Note: Attempt three questions.
Q. No. 5
  (a)     Solve                          /04
(b) Find the solution set if  3 ≤ 2x   ̶  3  ≤ 5,  /04

Q. No. 6
(a) Eliminate ‘t’ from the following equations: /04

(b) Solve by completing square method:  /04
Q. No. 7
(a) If     (where a, b, c, p, q, r ≠ 0) then prove that /04

(b) A set of data contains the values as: 148, 145, 160, 157, 156, 160.
Show that Mode > Median > Mean /04
 Q. No. 8
(a) A tree is 72 m high. Find the angle of elevation of its top 100 m away on the     ground level. /04
(b) Construct any  and draw its escribed circle (e-circle) opposite to vertex B. /04
Q. No. 9  Prove that two chords of a circle which are equidistant from the centre, are congruent. /08

Answer Key
Q. No. 1  Encircle the correct option.  
Q. No Answers
i. b
ii. b
iii. a
iv. b
v. b
vi. b
vii. c
viii. c
ix. c
x. b
xi. b
xii. c
xiii. c
xiv. a
xv. a


Mathematics Mathematics  Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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