Mathematics Class: IX

                                              Term: III
Time:  2 hours 30 mins         Total Marks: 75
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: IX
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Time Allowed: 20 min       Marks: 15
Fifteen (15) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are given in this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Q. No. 1 Encircle the correct option.

i. The logarithm of unity to any base is………………
a)  1 b)  10 c)  e d)   0
ii. The value of  is…………..
a)   1 b)   ̶  1 c)    d)   
iii.    is equal to:
a)   7 b)   ̶   7 c)  ̶  1 d)   + 1
iv.   What will be added to complete the square of  ?
a)   ̶ 16 b2 b)    16 b2 c)   4 b2 d)   ̶ 4 b2
v. can be written as:
a)    b)    c)    d)   
vi. A statement involving any of the symbols <,>, ≥ or ≤ is called:
a)   Equation b)   Identity c)  Inequality d)    Linear equation

vii. Distance between points (0, 0) and (1, 1) is:
a)  0 b)   1 c) 2 d)   
viii. Medians of a triangle are:
a)  Concurrent b)  Congruent c)   bisect d)   Parallel

ix. Bisection means to divide into __________parts.
a)  four b)  three c)   two d)   six

x. Congruent triangles are: 
a)  Parallel b)  Similar c) Different d)   None of these

xi. The medians of a triangle cut each other in the ratio:
a) 4 : 1 b)   3 : 1 c) 2 : 1 d)   1 : 1
xii. One angle of the base of an isosceles triangle is 300. What is the measure of its    vertical angle?

a)   300 b)  600 c)   900 d)   1200

xiii. If a, b, c are the sides of a right angled triangle with ‘c’  as longer side then:
a)   c2 = a2 + b2 b)   c2 = a2  ̶  b2
c) b2 = c2 + b2 d)   a2 = c2 + b2
xiv. Product of   is:
a.    b.    c.    d.   

xv. A line segment has ___________ midpoint.

a)  no b)  one c)  three d)   four

Part -I
Time Allowed: 2 hours 10 mins Marks: 60

Note: Use separate sheets for subjective section.

Q. No. 2   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12

Find the product of A and B if    and   
Define square matrix and give example.
Represent the number  on the number line.
Write in the form of a single logarithm log 25  ̶  2 log 3.
Factorize x2 + x  ̶  132.
Rationalize the denominator of  .
Define the concept of coordinate geometry.
 Find the area of the following figure:

Q. No. 3   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
i. Find the value of ‘x’ from the equation:
ii. Define collinear points.
Find the solution set 
Find  , if      .
Define Cartesian Plane.
Find the distance between points  .
    vii. Solve the equation and check for extraneous solution 
Define region.
Define equilateral triangle.

Q. No. 4   Write short answers to any six (6) questions. /12
i. Define proportion.
ii. Define supplementary angles. Give an example. 

    iii.    If 10 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm are the lengths of a triangle, Verify that sum of two sides    of a triangle is greater than the third side?
    iv.    Construct  in which 
    v.   Define parallelogram with its formula to find its area.
What is meant by converse of Pythagoras theorem?
If two sides of a triangle are 5 cm and 13 cm then find the perpendicular of triangle.
viii. What is S. A. S postulate?
ix. If  then find  :

Part -II

Note: Attempt any three questions.
Q. No. 5
  (a)    If A = {2, 4, 8} and B = {0, 3, 5}, Then find the function from the relation.          Also state the type of the function R = {(2, 0), (4, 3), (2, 5)} /04
(b) If  then find the value of  . /04
Q. No. 6
(a)  Use logarithm table to find the value of        /04
(b) For what value of ‘P’ the polynomial  becomes exactly
      divisible by  . /04         
Q. No. 7
(a) Use matrices to solve the equations. /04

(b) Solve the equation and check: /04

 Q. No. 8 
(a)  Factorize 1 + 2ab  ̶  (a2  ̶  b2) . /04

(b) Construct right bisector of the sides of   in which AB = 6 cm , BC = 6.5 cm       and CA = 7 cm. /04

Q. No. 9 /08
Prove that the right bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent.
    Prove that triangles on the same base and of the same altitudes are equal in area.

Answer Key
Q. No. 1  Encircle the correct option.  
Q. No Answers
i. d
ii. c
iii. a
iv. c
v. b
vi. c
vii. d
viii. a
ix. c
x. b
xi. c
xii. d
xiii. a
xiv. c
xv. b


Mathematics Class: IX Mathematics Class: IX Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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