Mathematics Paper Class: V

                                              Term: III
Time: 40 Mins               Total Marks: 20
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: V
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

Questions 1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Objective Part
Q.1   Circle the correct option. /05
If the value of many objects of the same kind is known we can find the value of one of these objects by:
addition               b)   subtraction              c)   multiplication    d)  division

 More men at work, less time taken to finish the work. What is the kind of this    relation?
a) unitary method      b)  ratio           c)   direct proportion     d)  inverse proportion

What will be the length of side of a square with 32 cm as its perimeter?
a) 32 cm                   b)  8 cm                    c)  8 cm2               d)   4 cm

What is the area of a square with length of side as 4 cm?
a) 16 cm                    b)  8 cm                    c)  16 cm2               d)   4 cm2
 A car travels 90 km in 10 litres of petrol. How many litres of petrol is needed to travel 180 km?
a) 15 litres                 b)  20 litres                 c)  25 litres               d)   30 litres

Q. 2 Write the answers of the following questions. /05

Differentiate between inverse and direct proportion.



Differentiate between area and perimeter.



Subjective Part
Note: Use separate sheet for subjective part.

Q.3 Solve the following:

76 persons can complete the job in 42 days. In how many days will 56 persons do the same job? /04

The length of a playground is 36 m and breadth is 24 m. Find the cost of leveling it at rate of Rs. 125 per square meter. Also find the cost of fencing it at rate of Rs. 100 per meter. /06

Answer Key
Total Time: 40 min Total Marks: 20
Q.1   Circle the correct option.
Q. No i ii iii iv v
Answers d d b c b

Q.2 Solve the following:
i. Answer:  See textbook page 99
ii. Answer:  See textbook page 125

Q. 3 
i.    Answer: 57 days
ii.   Answer: Rs. 1,08,000 and Rs. 12,000
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Mathematics Paper Class: V Mathematics Paper  Class: V Reviewed by Unknown on December 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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