English Paper Class: IV

              Term: III
Time: 40 Mins               Total Marks: 20
Subject: English                                                                                         Class: IV
Name: ______________________                                      Date: _____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Objective Part
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers in “Objective Part” will be considered as wrong.
Use a separate sheet for subjective part.

Q.1: Match the words in Column A to their meanings in Column B. /06
Column A Column B
ancient fact or news
roamed bones, etc. left in rocks
terrible very old
information horrible
fossils disappeared
vanished walked, strolled
Q.2: Read the sentences given below and underline the adverbs. /04
Javed never lies.
The little girl sang happily.
The passengers waited outside.
They often go to the library.

Subjective Part
Q.3: Recall the lessons and answer the following questions. /04

What are fossils? (Dinosaurs) /2
Who did Mrs. Choudhry call up? (The Robbery) /2

Q.4: Write a story with the title “When I Saw a Dinosaur…”. /06

Answer Key
Column A Column B
ancient very old
roamed walked, strolled
terrible horrible
information fact or news
fossils bones, etc. left in rocks
vanished disappeared
Javed never lies.
The little girl sang happily.
The passengers waited outside.
They often go to the library.
Q.3: Open – ended
Q.4: Open – ended
Marking scheme for story writing:

Criteria Marks allocated
Logical sequence  (beginning, middle, end)             3 marks
Grammatically correct sentences             1 mark
Punctuation and Spelling                    1 mark
Presentation  (handwriting, neatness)  1 mark

English Paper Class: IV   English Paper Class: IV Reviewed by Unknown on December 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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