Subject: Chemistry Class: 9th

Time: 2 hours             Total Marks: 60
Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
Subject:  Chemistry                                                           Class:  9th
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C & D. The choice which you think is correct, encircle that option. Cutting or overwriting will result in zero mark.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 15 minutes Total Mark: 12
Q.1. Choose the correct option i.e. a, b, c d and circle it.
i. Cathode rays are:
neutral    b)  positive    c)  negative  d)  none of these
ii.  n value of M shell is:
 4    b)  3    c)  2      d)  1
iii. Which of the following halogens has lowest electronegitivity?
fluorine b)   chlorine    c) bromine      d)  iodine 
iv. Along the period, which one of the following decreases?
atomic radius
ionization energy
electron affinity
v.   Transition elements are:
           a)  all gases   b) all metals      c)  all non-metals     d) all metalloids
 vi. Metals can form ions carrying charges:
Uni-positive b)  di-positive 
 c) tri-positive      d) all of the given options 
vii. Which one of the following metal burns with a brick red flame?
sodium b)  magnesium
c) iron d)  calcium
viii.   Sodium is extremely reactive metal, but it does not react with:
           a) hydrogen  b) nitrogen
 c) sulphur      d) phosphorus 
ix. Which one of the following is the lightest metal?
calcium    b) magnesium 
 c) lithium d) sodium
x. Pure alkali metals can be cut simply by knife but iron cannot because of alkali metals have:
strong metallic bonding
weak metallic bonding
non-metallic bonding
moderate metallic bonding
xi. The oxidation state of sulphur in H2SO4 is:
a)  +3            b)   +5              c)    +6             d) -6
xii. The blood pressure of a healthy man is:
a)   mm Hg       b)    mm Hg                c)    mm Hg       d)  mm Hg     

Subjective Part
Note: Provide the students with extra sheets to solve the subjective part.
Time Allowed: 1 hr: 45 minutes Total Marks: 48
Q.2. Attempt any five questions from the following. (5x2=10)
What is difference between valency and oxidation state?
How electroplating of tin in steel is carried out?
Write down the difference between Atom and Molecule.
Draw the isotopes of Chlorine.
Give three properties of positive rays.
Define Covalent Bond.
What is a metallic Bond?
State four uses of isotopes.
Q.3. Attempt any five questions from the following: (5x2=10)         
Define the term Allotropy with any two Examples.
Write down the difference between saturated and unsaturated solution.
What do you mean by volume/volume%?
Write the electronic configuration of ‘P’.
State any two properties of cathode rays.
Complete the chemical equation:  +           
Define electron affinity with an example.
Define ionization energy with an example.
Q.4. Attempt any five questions from the following: (5x2=10)         
What is alloy? Give an example.
What is percentage % ?
Define standard atmospheric pressure.
Why are the densities of gases lower than that of liquids?
What do you mean by evaporation?
In which form sulphur exists at 100 ˚C?
What is the difference between valency and oxidation state?
Write names of any four elements of group 17.

Note: Attempt any Three questions among the following. (9x2=18)
Q.5. (a) Define the following terms:
i) Periods ii) Groups               (5)
(b) Calculate the gram molecule (number of moles) in 40g of phosphoric acid (H3PO4).
Q.6. (a) A gas at pressure 912 mm of Hg has volume 450cm3.
             What will be its volume at 0.4 atm? (5)
          (b) How you can compare the softness & hardness of metals? (4)
Q.7. (a) Write three factors which affect the solubility of solute. (5)
        (b) Write four physical properties of non-metals. (4)

Answer key
Q.1. Choose the correct option.

Subject: Chemistry Class: 9th Subject:  Chemistry   Class:  9th Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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