Subject: Biology Class:9th

Time: 2 hours             Total Marks: 60
Name: _____________            Date: ___________
Subject: Biology                                                              Class:  10th
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C & D. The choice which you think is correct, encircle that option. Cutting or overwriting will result in zero mark.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 15 minutes Total Marks: 12
Q.1. Choose the correct option i.e. a, b, c d and circle it.
i.  The glottis is guarded by a flap of tissues called _______.
pharynx    b) larynx  c) trachea    d) epiglottis
ii.  The larynx is also known as:
voice box    b) box      c) eating box      d) breathing box
iii. Processes that carry nerve impulses away from the cell body are called:
axons b) dendrites    c) synapses      d) myelin sheath
iv.  The portion of the nervous system that is involuntary in action:
somatic nervous system
motor nervous system
autonomic nervous system
sensory nervous system
v.    Which neurons are present inside the central nervous system?
           a) sensory neurons only
 b)  motor neurons only
c)  sensory and motor neurons both
d) interneurons only

vi. Which one of the following is the abiotic component of the ecosystem?
producers  b)  herbivores
c)  carnivores d)  oxygen
vii. When we eat onions, our trophic level is:
primary consumer
secondary consumer
viii.   Which form of nitrogen is taken by the producers of the ecosystem?
           a) nitrogen gas   
 b)  ammonia   
c)  nitrites
d)  nitrates
ix. Which of these is an anti-viral protein?
c)  insulin
d)  interferon
x. The first step in genetic engineering is:
growth of the genetically modified organism
transfer of the recombinant DNA into the host organism
isolation of the gene of interest
insertion of a gene into a vector
Which of the following respiratory disorders is caused by bacteria?
amphysema       b) bronchitis               c) pneumonia     d) asthma
Plants which grow in arid environment are called:
algae      b) ferns             c) mosses      d) xerophytes

Subjective Part
Note: Provide the students with extra sheets to solve the subjective part.
Time Allowed: 1 hr: 45 minutes Total Marks: 48
Q.2. Write short answers to any five questions. (2x5=10)
What do you mean by Excretion?
Define the term ‘Transpiration’.
What are the major organs involved in homeostasis in human body?
Cloning and Binary Fission.
Internal Fertilization and External Fertilization.
What is paralysis? Write its two causes.
Reflex action and Reflex arc.
Insulin and Glycogen.
Q.3. Write short answers to any five questions. (2x5=10)
What are the different levels of ecological organization?
How the flow of energy is different from that of materials?
What do you mean by concept of 3Rs with reference to the conservation of natural resources?
What will genotype and phenotype of plants produced as a result of cross between a true breed round seeded and true breed wrinkled seeded plant?
Define pharmacology.
How new plants are produced by grafting?
Define alleles. Give one example.
Describe two main sources of variations in population.
Q.4. Write short answers to any five questions. (2x5=10)
Explain the limits of biosphere.
What is recombinant DNA and how it is produced?
Why vaccines are used?
How would you associate the role of vitamin A with vision?
State the names of the two types of coordination in living organisms.
Differentiate between cartilage and bone.
By which bacteria formic acid Is produced?
What is Marijuana? Describe its two effects.
Note: Attempt any two questions. (2x9=18)
Q.5. a. What conditions are necessary for the germination of seed? (5)
          b. Why do we consider that overpopulation is a global problem? (4)
Q.6. a. What do you mean by co-dominance? Give an example.            (5)
          b. Explain how Mendel proved the law of independent assortment? (4)
Q.7. (a) Explain Mendel’s law independent assortment with an example. (5)
        (b) Compare parasitism to that of Mutualism. Give one example of each. (4)

Answer Key
Q.1. Select the best option.
Q# Right option
Subject: Biology Class:9th Subject: Biology Class:9th Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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