Mathematics Class: IV

                                              Term: III
Time:  2 hours         Total Marks: 100
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: IV
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Time: 1: 15 hour                   Marks: 60
Q.1 Circle the correct option.    /15
i. LCM of 15 and 45 is:
a)  15 b)  45 c)  30 d)  40

ii. Which even number is also prime number?
a)   4 b)  6 c)  2 d)   8

iii. What is the place value of digit 5 in the number 54 . 26?
a)   500 b)  40 c)  50 d)  20

iv. 4 . 6  ̶  3. 2 is equal to:
a)   1. 4 b)  7 . 4 c)  0.4 d)  7 .8

v. In 3 minutes, the number of seconds is: 

     a)   30 b)  60 c)  100 d)  180

vi. To convert centimeters into milimetres, we multiply the number of centimeter by:
a)  10 b)  100 c)  1000 d)  1
vii. How many endpoints does a straight line have?
a)  3 b)  2 c)  1 d)  0

viii. What do we call the distance around a circle?
a)  radius b)  diameters c)  semi-circle d)  circumference
ix. What is the degree of measure of a right angle?
a)  1800 b)  900 c)  2700 d)  3600
  x. One kilogram is equal to:
a)  10 grams b)  100 grams c)  1000 grams d)  1 gram
Q.2 Complete the following sentences. /15

The distance from the centre to any point on the circle is called its ____________.

A decimal is a number with one or more digits to the right of the __________________.

A number having more than two factors is called ______________ number.

Two intersecting lines that form right angle are called ________________.

The number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by ______.

When we add or subtract decimal numbers we keep the decimal point in the __________ column.

A vertical and horizontal line meet at a point form a ____________angle.

The quantity of liquid with which a pot is filled completely is called _____________.

There are ______________ months in 3 and a half year.

There are ________ seconds in 11 minutes  and 10 seconds.

Q.3   Solve the following short questions:     /30
Separate composite and prime numbers from the following numbers.
12, 15, 17, 29, 31, 35, 81, 71, 68, 100

Write the factors of 48 and 30.

Identify the place value of 876 . 435 with the help of place value table.


Solve 28 . 57 + 31 . 23.

Convert 2 cm 5 mm to mm.


     vi.    Draw acute angle of measure 550.

vii. Draw and define radius of a circle.


viii. Convert 5 months to days.

  ix. Draw and define parallel lines.

State whether the number 13224 is divisible by 2, 3, 5 and 10.

Time: 45 mins         Marks: 40

Note: Attempt all questions.
Use separate sheets for subjective section.

Q. 4.          
 i. Find HCF of 48 and 72 by prime factorization method. /05

 ii. Make factor diagram of 96. /03

Q. 5        
 i. Asif completes a distance in 4 hours 15 minutes and Ali completes the same distance
     in 2 hours 20 minutes. How much more time does Ali use to complete the distance? /05

 ii. Solve 43. 78  ̶  21 . 54. /03

Q. 6.
 i. The capacity of a bucket is 12 L 350 mL while the capacity of the second bucket is
     8L 900 mL. Find total capacity of both the buckets. /05

 ii. Convert 3 kg 355 gram into gram. /03

Q. 7.          
      Use a protractor to draw angle 1170 and also write the steps of construction. /08

Q. 8. Draw a circle with radii 4 cm 2 mm and also write the steps of construction.       /08

Answer Key
Total Time: 2 hours Total Marks: 100
Q.1 Circle the correct option.   
Q. No i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x
Answers b c c a d a d d b c

Q.2 Complete the following sentences.

Q. No i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x
Answers radius Decimal point composite Perpendicular lines 3 same Right angle capacity 42 670

Q.3   Solve the following short questions:    
i. Answer: Composite numbers: 12, 15, 35, 68, 81, 100
Prime numbers: 17, 29, 31, 71
ii. Write the factors of 48 and 30.
Factors of 48: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48
Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
         iii. Identify the place value of 876 . 435 with the help of place value table.
H T O decimal t h th
8 76   . 4 3 5

iv. Solve 28 . 57 + 31 . 23.  Answer : 59 . 79
 Convert 2 cm 5 mm to mm.  Answer: 25 mm
Draw acute angle of measure 550. Answer: Students will do themselves.
Draw and define radius of a circle. Answer: See textbook page 118.
Convert 5 months to days. Answer: 150 days
Draw and define parallel lines. Answer: See textbook page 108.
State whether the number 13224 is divisible by 2, 3, 5 and 10.
Answer: 13224 is divisible by 2 and 3 but not divisible by 5 and 10.

Subjective Section
Q. 4 Answer:  i.  HCF = 24 ii.  Answer: 96 = 2 ×2×2×2×2×3
Q. 5 Answer:  i. 1 hour 55 minutes ii. Answer: 22 . 24
Q. 6 Answer:  i. 21 L 250 mL        ii. Answer: 3355 gram
Q. 7 Students will do by themselves
Q. 8    Students will do by themselves

Mathematics Class: IV Mathematics   Class: IV Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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