Mathematics Class: III

                                              Term: III
Time:  1 hr 30 Mins          Total Marks: 50
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: III
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q. 1 (a) Solve the following: /10
         i.            = 
      ii.             = 
    iii.            = 
   iv.          =

   v.          = 

 (b) Use these symbols (> or <) to compare fractions. /06

Q.2 Solve the following. /06
        6    1 m L
  +   2    8 m L

        4    8 g
  ̶     3    2 g

        3    5 m
  +   2    3 m

Q.3 Solve the following questions: /06
i. My father bought 10 kg flour and 5 kg sugar. What is the total mass of both flour and      sugar?

ii.  The distance from Ali’s house to the hospital is 20 km. The distance from the hospital to park is 35 km. What is the sum of both distances?

Q.4 (a) Read the sentences and encircle the right option. /04
We go to school at 7 ____________.         (a. m    ,     p . m)

Ali eats his breakfast at 9 __________.      (a. m    ,     p . m)

We go to sleep at 11 __________.            (a. m    ,     p . m)

We say Isha prayer at 9 ___________.         (a. m    ,     p . m)

(b) Read the time. Make hands on the clock. /08

 Q. 5 Look at the figures. Add and subtract the fraction and colour the figure.    /10

Answer Key
Total Time: 1 hr 30 min Total Marks: 50
Q.1 (a) Solve the following:   
i. Answer  =  ii.  Answer = 
iii. Answer  =  iv.  Answer = 
v.    Answer = 
(b)  Answers: 1. >  2. <    3. >    4. <    5. <      6.   <

Q.2 Solve the following.
  Answers:   58 m,  16 g,  89 mL
Q.3 Solve the following questions:
Answers:   15 kg,   55 km

    Q. 5  Answers:
  1.                       2.                   3.       4. 

Mathematics Class: III Mathematics Class: III Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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