English Class: III

Time: 1 hr 30 mins               Total Marks: 50
Subject: English                                                                                         Class: III
Name: ______________________                                      Date: _____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/ re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Q.1: Recall the lesson “A Funfair at School” and circle True or False for each sentence. /05
There will be a Sports Day in their school. True / False
There will be a magic show. True / False
Class III will have an ice cream stall. True / False
Beenish will make the fruit chaat. True / False
Harris and Nasir will make the invitations. True / False
Q.2: Match the words in Column A to their correct meanings in Column B. /05
Column A Column B
abdomen a group of animals that live together.
nectar the end part of an insect’s body that is attached to its thorax.
colony a place where bees live in.
thorax a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers.
hive the middle part of an insect’s body.

Q.3: Choose the correct word from the brackets and fill in the blanks. /05
Ahsan ____________ to go to the market. (want , wants)
Mother ___________ breakfast for us. (make , makes)
The children ______________ when they are happy. (smile , smiles)
The bird ______________ in the sky. (fly , flies)
Sara _______________ to play with toys. (like , likes)
Q.4: Fill in the blanks with the question words given in the box.  /05
Which Whose Where How Who

_______________ bag is this? It belongs to Bilal.
_______________ is the Badshahi Mosque? In Lahore
_______________ car is yours? The red car.
_______________ do you go to school? By bus.
_______________ is Mr Ahmed? He is the Principal.
Q.5: Write the feminine of the given masculine. /05
nephew ____________________
horse ____________________
king ____________________
drake ____________________
rooster ____________________

Q.6: End the given sentences with the correct punctuation mark. /05
Does Mr Lang teach in Beijing
The Yangtze river is in China
Can you play tennis
I have won the first prize
The Chinese are very helpful people
Q.7: Recall the lessons and answer the following questions. /10
When does Bashir go to harbour? (Let’s Enter the World of Stories) 2
Whose boat does he take? (Let’s Enter the World of Stories) 2
Why does he catch fish? (Let’s Enter the World of Stories) 2
Who looks after the hive? (Honey) 2
What do the worker bees do? (Honey) 2
Q.8: Write only ten sentences on the topic “My Favourite Story Character”. /10
Answer Key
There will be a Sports Day in their school. True / False
There will be a magic show. True / False
Class III will have an ice cream stall. True / False
Beenish will make the fruit chaat. True / False
Harris and Nasir will make the invitations. True / False
Column A Column B
abdomen the end part of an insect’s body that is attached to its thorax.
nectar a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers.
colony a group of animals that live together.
thorax the middle part of an insect’s body.
hive a place where bees live in.
Ahsan ____________ to go to the market. (want , wants)
Mother ___________ breakfast for us. (make , makes)
The children ______________ when they are happy. (smile , smiles)
The bird ______________ in the sky. (fly , flies)
Sara _______________ to play with toys. (like , likes)
Whose bag is this? It belongs to Bilal.
Where is the Badshahi Mosque? In Lahore
Which car is yours? The red car.
How do you go to school? By bus.
Who is Mr Ahmed? He is the Principal.
nephew niece
horse mare
king queen
drake duck
rooster hen
Does Mr Lang teach in Beijing?
The Yangtze river is in China.
Can you play tennis?
I have won the first prize.
The Chinese are very helpful people.
Q.7: Open Ended
Q.8: Open Ended

English Class: III English Class: III Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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