English Class: II

Time: 1 hr 30 mins               Total Marks: 50
Subject: English                                                                                           Class: II
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/ re-written answers will be considered as wrong.

enjoying sending shopping making cutting
Q.1: Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. /05

Nasir is _____________ a letter.
Taha is _____________ the holidays.
He is _______________ wood.
He is _______________ a snow man.
He is _______________ at the mall.
Q.2: Match the sentence beginning in Column A to its correct ending with in Column B. /05
Column A Column B
Bilal is wearing new clothes because she has lost her book.
Sara is crying because it is cold.
They are wearing jackets because it is Eid.
They are running because he has a new watch.
Ahmed is happy because they want to catch the bus.

Q.3: Fill in the blanks with a suitable possessive adjective. /05
My name is Hamza. What is _____________ name?
I have a sister; _____________ name is Sara.
This is Mr Ahmed’s car. _______________ car is blue.
My brother and I have a computer. ________________ computer is new.
My mother and father have a radio. It is _____________ radio.
Q.4: Fill in the blanks with has or have. /05
I ______________ lost my pen.
She ______________ a blue bicycle.
Do you ____________ my book?
A giraffe ____________ a long neck.
They ____________ a television in their room.
Q.5: Put the words in alphabetical order. /05
Words Alphabetical Order

Q.6: Write True or False for each sentence. /05
Ali Baba was a carpenter. _______________
He heard horses. _______________
He saw ten men. _______________
A window opened. _______________
Ali Baba shouted, “Open Sesame.” _______________
Q.7: Write down the definitions of: /10
Q.8: Write five sentences on the topic “My Teacher”. /10
Answer Key
Nasir is sending a letter.
Taha is enjoying the holidays.
He is cutting wood.
He is making a snow man.
He is shopping at the mall.
Column A Column B
Bilal is wearing new clothes because it is Eid.
Sara is crying because she has lost her book.
They are wearing jackets because it is cold.
They are running because they want to catch the bus.
Ahmed is happy because he has a new watch.
My name is Hamza. What is your name?
I have a sister; her name is Sara.
This is Mr Ahmed’s car. His car is blue.
My brother and I have a computer. Our computer is new.
My mother and father have a radio. It is their radio.
I have lost my pen.
She has a blue bicycle.
Do you have my book?
A giraffe has a long neck.
They have a television in their room.
Words Alphabetical Order
fear bear
tear dear
goat fear
dear goat
bear tear
Ali Baba was a carpenter. True
He heard horses. True
He saw ten men. False
A window opened. False
Ali Baba shouted, “Open Sesame.” True
Q.7: Open-ended
Q.8: Open-ended
English Class: II English Class: II Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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