Subject: Biology Class: 9th

Time: 2 hours             Total Marks: 60
Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
Subject:  Biology                                                          Class:  9th
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C & D. The choice which you think is correct, encircle that option. Cutting or overwriting will result in zero mark.
Objective Part
Time Allowed: 15 minutes Total Mark: 12
Q.1. Choose the correct option i.e. a, b, c d and circle it.
i. Which of the following stage of cell division is very different for animals and plant cells?
metaphase    b) anaphase 
c) telophase  d) cytokinasis
ii. In which stage of the cell cycle most cells spend their lives?
 prophase  b) metaphase        c) interphase    d) telophase 
iii. The _____________ is the major component of the plant cell wall.
 chitin     b) peptidoglycan      
 cellulose       d) cholesterol
iv. Plants cell have ____________ which is not present in animal cells.
chloroplasts  b) cell membrane     
nucleus  d) mitochondria
v. The _______________ is the membrane enclosed structure in eukaryotic cells that contains the DNA of the cell. 
           a) mitochondrion   b) chloroplast
c) nucleolus   d) nucleus

Pancreas produces digestive enzymes and releases them into:
     a) colon   b) gall bladder 
     c) liver d) duodenum
In stomach, pepsinogen is converted into:
pepsin    b) bicarbonate     
HCl d) gastrin 
The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets is called:
 emulsification    b) absorption   
      c)  peristalsis     d) digestion 
Which of these can enter into Krebs cycle?
 glucose    b) pyruvic acid     
  c) citric acid d) acetyl Co-A 
How many molecules of CO2 are produced when Krebs cycle operates once?
  01    b) 02     
       c)  03     d) 06 
xi. When does our heart rest?
a) at night            b)   during sitting          c)    never           d) during sleeping
xii. One gram of protein has _____________ amount of energy.
a)  2.4 K cal          b)   4 K cal        c)  5 K cal d) 4.6 K cal

Subjective Part
Note: Provide the students with extra sheets to solve the subjective part.
Time Allowed: 1 hr 45 minutes Total Marks: 48
Q.2. Write short answers to any five questions. (5x2=10)
How cell biology is different from histology?
What structures and phenomenon are involved in the intake of carbon dioxide and water by plants?
In what ways the respiratory energy is used in the body of organisms?
What is the importance of anaerobic respiration?
How are taxonomy and systematic related?
Differentiate between theory and law.
Quantitative observations are better in biological method. How?
Define biotechnology.
Q.3. Write short answers to any five questions. (5x2=10)
State the mode of nutrition of fungi.
How are taxonomy and systematic related?
What do you mean by the term ’extinct’?
Why quantitative observations are better in biological method?
What is the difference between somatic cells and germ line cells?
Name two major phase of cell cycle.
Define cofactor and coenzyme.
What do you mean by horticulture and how is it related to agriculture?
Q.4. Write short answers to any five questions. (5x2=10)
How can the deficiency of vitamin A cause blindness?
How will you differentiate between bolus and chyme?
Which sphincters play role in the movement of food in and out of stomach?
What is sphincter? Describe its types.
Why transpiration is known as necessary evil?
How is plasma separated from blood?
What is the difference between universal donor and universal recipients?
Patients bleed from the nose, gums and under the skin in dengue fever. Give reasons.

Note: Attempt any two questions. (9x2=18)
Q.5. a. Describe swallowing & peristalsis.    (5)
          b. What is the role of chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis? (4)
Q.6. a. Transpiration is a necessary evil. Give comments. (5)
          b. Outline the mechanism of respiration and electron transport chain.    (4)
Q.7. Explain the base for establishing five kingdoms of living organisms. (5)
          b. Explain the aims and principles of classification, keeping in view its
     historical background. (4)

Answer key
Q.1. Select the best option.
Q# Right Option

Subject: Biology Class: 9th Subject:  Biology Class:  9th Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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