Social Studies Three Class Paper

Time: 1 hr 30 Mins                      Total Marks: 50
Subject: Social Studies                                                                    Class: III
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instruction: Attempt all Questions.
Q. No1. Fill in the blanks.
Passenger train carry_____________ from place to place.
Goods are transported by ____________ train.
Express train run ___________________ .
_____________ is the most important part of train.
Railway train run on ___________ .
Karachi is a ______________ of Pakistan.
A ______________ is a large stream of water.
Siberian desert is in _________________.
_______________ is the highest mountain peak in world.
________________ is the part where the land and see meet.
Q . 2 Say yes or No.
Seas are smaller than oceans _____________
There is little water in deserts. ____________
Flat area of land are called plains. ______________
Hawks bay B in Islamabad _________________
Sea water is salty.                _______________
There is five provinces of Pakistan. ____________
Karachi has a sandy beach.             ____________
Africa is to the west of Europe.      ____________
North America is to the north of Samaria __________
Arctic ocean is to the north of Africa. ____________

3. Match the column.
Passengers Goods train
Fertilizer Rail
Train Passenger train
Karachi Express train route
Karachi – Quetta Sea port
Hawks bay Africa
Arabian sea Cliffs
High steep rocks Plains
Vast area of land Karachi
Sahara desert Pakistan
Q .4 Answer the following questions.
Which the most important part of the railway train?
Names the materials carried by goods trains?
What are the large areas of sand called?
What is a map?
Write the name of five province of Pakistan?
What are plains?
What does the arrow show?

Social Studies Three Class Paper  Social Studies   Three Class Paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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