Science Class Five Paper

Time: 2 Hrs Total Marks: 50
Subject: Science                                                                      Class: V
Name: _____________               Date: ___________
1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instructions: Attempt all Questions.
Objective Part
Q. 1. Choose the right answer and circle it.                                       
Which of the following group a bat belongs to?
mammals      b) birds            C.  reptiles        d) amphibians
Which a following  is non biodegradable:
Grass clipping      b) feather             c, Styrofoam d) paper
Fish breathe through:
lungs       b) skin                  c.   gills     d) mouth
Number of cotyledons in the seed of pea is:
one     b) two                               c.   three          d) four
which disease can be cause by air pollution:
lungs cancer          b) diarrhea       c.  cholera            d)dysentery
Which of the following disease is caused by Virus?
AIDS            b) diarrhoea              c. Cholera d) ringworm
Which of the following instrument is used to see virus?
human eye      b) magnifying glass         c. microscope      d) electron microscope
Antibiotics are used to control the growth of:
bacteria      b) insects                 c.  plants d) algae
Typhoid can be caused by the germs present in:
Fertilizers                  pesticides                  sewage water            industrial waste
The cause of polluted rain water is:
road dust                industrial smoke            water vapours in the air            oil spills
Q.2. Fill in the blanks with suitable word.
Cholera & Typhoid in humans are caused by ____________.
Pluto is  ______________ planet.
The  ___________ is the largest planet in the solar system.
Polio is caused by ____________________.
The 3R  _______  ________and   ____________
Smoke is a source of _____________ pollution.
When a liquid changes to gas, this is called _________________.
The _________________ is third planet from the sun.
Moon takes about __________ days to orbit around the earth.
__________ is the addition of harmful material in the environment 
Q.3. Answer the following questions.
What is environmental pollution?
What is solar system?
What are satellites?
Write  the effects of heat on matter?
What is evaporation?
Write the effect of pollutions.
What do you know about 3R strategy?
Write the process evolving the changes in states of matter?

Science Class Five Paper Science Class Five Paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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