One Class Paper Socialstudy

Time: 1 hr 30 Mins                      Total Marks: 50
Subject: Social Studies                                                                    Class: I
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Instruction: Attempt all Questions.
Q. No1. Fill in the blanks. 

Fruit make us ______________
Rotten fruit make us ______________
We must always eat_____________
 Q .2 Name the following food items.

Q . 3 Tick the correct word.
We must always use______________ vegetables. ( Fresh , Rotten)
Vegetables are ________ for health. ( Good , Bed)
Vegetables _____________ washed before cooking
( should be , should not be )
Tomatoes and potatoes are.___________ ( vegetables , Fruits )
Banana is a ____________ ( Fruit , vegetables )
 Q . 4 . Match the column with picture.




Q . 5 Write the vegetables name.


Q .6 Answer the following questions.
What is your favourite drink.

What is your favourite  fruit?
What is your favourite vegetables?
What is your favourite game?
Do you like mango?
Q .7 Write five parts of body,

One Class Paper Socialstudy One Class Paper  Socialstudy Reviewed by Unknown on November 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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