Mathematics Clss Six Paper

Subject: Mathematics Class:  VI
Time: 30 minutes          Marks: 25
Name: ______________________                                           Date: ____________
Questions 1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
Q.1. Write the answers of the following questions.
What are mammals?           /2.5




What is the difference between star and a planet?        /2.5



Q.2. Choose the right answer and circle it.                                      (1x10=10)
The biggest source of water pollution is:
water released from industries    b) dust particles   
c) smoke released from industries    d) smoke released from vehicles 
Which one of the following is dissolvable material?
glass       b) flour         c) plastic d)  styro foam
Dew drops are formed from water vapours in the air by:
Evaporation b) melting
c) condensation d) freezing
One of the following substances is not a solid.
wood    b) iron  c) mercury    d) gold
Weight is a force and is measured in:
Newtons  b) Kilogram  c) Meters d) Liters
How many types of lever exist?
2    b) 3    c) 4 d) 6
The point around which lever rotates is known as:
fulcrum    b) effort    c) load    d) central point
Which of the following is non-luminous body?
Sun b) Moon   c)  light bulb    d) torch
Light travels _____________.
in circular path    b) in parallel path
c) in straight line    d) in scattered path
Which of the following cannot be seen during a total solar eclipse?
          a) the Sun    b) the Moon  c) the Earth  d) all of these

Q.3. Write the answer of the following questions in one word.  /10
Electric current is measured by an instrument called?  ___________________
Which planet is nearest to the Sun? _______________

Plants make their food by themselves, what is this process called?  ________________

The animals those consists of only one cell are called? ________________

The growth of a new plant from the embryo in the seed is called?   _________________

The process in which a liquid changes into gas at a temperature which is below the temperature at which it boils. What is it called?

The force between two surfaces that slows down moving objects called?  __________________
The materials which pollute the environment are called ______________.
State of matter which condense on cooling. _____________
A simple machine which turns about a fixed point. _____________
Mathematics Clss Six Paper Mathematics Clss Six Paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5

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