Computer Science

Time:  1 Hr 30 Mins                Total Marks: 50
Subject:  Computer Science                Class:  II
Name: _______________     Date: ____________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all Questions.
Write neatly and clearly.
Q.1. Fill in the blanks. (05)  
Mic is ________________  device.
A   ___________________ key give space between two letters..
CPU stand for  ________________________.
A mouse has _________________ buttons.
Q.2. Writer “Yes” and “No” before each statement. (10)
Mouse is output device.                            ________
Laptop is also called notebook. ________
Keyboard has 101 keys.                     ________
Printer is output device. ________
Key board is input device .                    ________

Q.3.  Lable the diagram.                                               

Q.5.Answer the following questions.
what is CPU casing?
What is Mic?
What is keyboard?
What is output devices?
Name any two input devices.

Computer Science Computer Science Reviewed by Unknown on November 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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