Computer Science Paper Class Four

Time:  2 Hrs                         Total Marks: 50
Subject: Computer Science               Class:  IV
Name: _______________     Date: ____________
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q.1   Fill in the blanks:
A mother board is a _____________ board with number of electronic components on it.
A power supply unit converts home used electricity into ____________ voltage electricity.
A hard disk is a _________________ memory.
A CD drive reads data from ______________.
A floppy drive reads the data from a ____________ .
Q.2. Match the columns.

Hard Disk
It consists of a flash memory data storage device integrated with a Universal Serial Bus.

USB device Reads data from fixed platters.

CD-Rom Drive Reads data from a removable round plate.

Q.3.Tell the results of following oprations.        
 i.  3   >    1    =    ii.     5   < > 5      = 

iii.   4 =  = 2  iv. 9 <  = 9 v. 8 > = 8

b. Write down the names of the following output devices.

Q.4 Answer the following questions.
i. What is booting?
ii. What are DOS commands.
iii. What is DOS?
iv. What is formatting tool bar?
v.. What is title bar?
Q . 5 Practical
Computer Science Paper Class Four Computer Science Paper Class Four Reviewed by Unknown on November 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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