Mathematics Paper Class: III

                Term: III
Time: 40 Mins               Total Marks: 15
Subject: Mathematics                                                                     Class: III
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

Questions 1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q.1 Add these.        /4.5

    6  1   mL
 + 2  8   mL
    4  3   km
 + 8  0   km
    4 2   kg
 + 5 3   kg

                               ii.        iii.

Q. 2    Subtract these.       /4.5

ii.     iii.
    6 3   kg
 ̶   2 3   kg
    7  5   km
 ̶  2  0   km
    8  6   mL
 ̶   6  5   mL

Q.3    Solve the following:     
       i.    Ali has a ball.  Its mass is 40 g. Sana has a ball. Its mass is 35 g. What is the total    mass of both balls? /03

     ii. My father bought 10 kg flour and 5 kg sugar. What is the total mass of both flour and sugar? /03


Answer Key
Total Time: 40 min Total Marks: 15
Q.1 Add these.      
Answers:  i.  123 km             ii.  95 kg iii.  89 ml
Q. 2    Subtract these.      

Answers: i.  55  km ii. 40 kg iii.  21  ml

Q.3    Solve the following:     
       i.    Answer:  75 g
      ii.   Answer: 15  kg
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Mathematics Paper Class: III Mathematics Paper Class: III Reviewed by Unknown on December 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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