English Paper Class: Prep

              Term: III
Time: 40 Mins               Total Marks: 10
Subject: English                                                                              Class: Prep
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________
1 2 3 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered as wrong.
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Q.1: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the preposition from the box. /03

The water is _____________ the jug.

The book is _____________ the table.

The cat is _____________ the chair.

 Q.2:    Match the adjectives with the pictures.  /03




  Q.3: Tick √ the pictures that name persons and circle the pictures that name things. /04

Reading                                                    Grade:

Rhyme: Rain rain go away Grade:
English Paper Class: Prep English Paper Class: Prep Reviewed by Unknown on December 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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