Chemistry Paper Class: IX

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Paper: Chemistry Class: IX
Total Marks: 12 Marks Obtained: _______ Time: 15 minutes

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Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 60
Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
Subject: Chemistry                                                            Class:  9th
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C, and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that box in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the box. Cutting or filling two or more boxes will result in zero in that question.
Time Allowed: 15 mins Total Marks: 12
Q.1 Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
All of these are tri-atomic molecule except: H2 O3 H2o Co2
The combining capacity of an element with other elements is called: symbol valency mixture radical
Deuterium is used to make: light water heavy water soft water hard water
Shielding effect is greater in atoms with greater number of: protons neutrons electrons none of these
How many covalent bonds does C2H2 molecule have? five four three two
The molar mass of H2SO4 is: 98 g 98 amu 9.8 g 9.8 amu
Mixture of sand, clay, mineral and water is called: air milk soil none of these
Who discovered the proton? Rutherford J.J. Thomson Neil Bohr Goldestein
Which of the following is not amorphous? rubber plastic glass glucose
Which of the following is heterogeneous mixture? milk ink milk of magnesia chalk solution
Which of the following compound is not soluble in water? C6H6 NaCl KBr MgCl2
One atmospheric pressure is equal to how many Pascals? 101325 10325 106075 10523

Subjective Part-I
Time Allowed: 1 hr : 45 min Total Marks: 48
Q.2 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
A patient has goiter. How will it be detected?
What are the defects of Rutherford’s atomic model?
Define nuclear fission reaction.
Why do the isotopes of an element have different atomic masses?
What is maximum capacity of a shell?
How can you prove that angular momentum is quantized?
Give the scope of biochemistry.
Define atomic mass unit. Why is it needed?
Q.3 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
What is the significance of the symbol of an element?
State the reason: soft drink is mixture and water is a compound.
Which one has more atoms: 10 g of Al of 10 g of Fe?
Differentiate between homoatomic and heteroatomic molecules with examples.
Mole is SI unit for the amount of a substance. Define it with examples.
Why are noble gases not reactive?
How is periodicity of properties dependent upon number of protons in an atom?
Why shielding effect of electrons makes cation formation easy?
Q.4 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
What is the difference between Mendleev’s periodic law and Modern periodic law?
What do you mean by groups and periods in the Periodic Table?
Why and how are elements arranged in 4th period?
Why a covalent bond becomes polar?
Why HCl has dipole-dipole forces of attraction?
What is relationship between electronegitivity and polarity?
Why does ice float on water?
What is an ionic bond?

Subjective Part-II
Note: Attempt any two questions. (9x2=18)
Q.5. (a) What is octet rule? Why do atoms always struggle to attain the nearest noble gas
      electronic configuration?         (5)
 (b) A gas occupies a volume of 800 cm3 at 1 atm, when it is allowed to expand up to
      1200 cm3 what will be its pressure in mm of Hg?      (4)
Q.6. (a) How was it proved that electrons are fundamental particles of an atom?         (5)
 (b) An element has an atomic number 17.
       How many electrons are present in K, L and M shells of the atom?         (4)
Q.7. (a) Explain the solute-solvent interaction for the preparation of solution. (5)
 (b) When we dissolve 20 g of NaCl in 400 cm3 of solution, what will be its morality? (4)

Answer Key
Q.1. Select the best option and circle it.
Q# Right Option
Chemistry Paper Class: IX Chemistry Paper Class: IX Reviewed by Unknown on December 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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