Biology Paper Class: iX

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Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________

Paper: Biology Class: X

Total Marks: 12 Marks Obtained: _______ Time: 15 minutes

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Obtained Marks: _________________ Teacher’s signature: _________________

Time: 2 hrs Total Marks: 60
Name: _____________                      Date: ___________
Subject: Biology                                                              Class:  10th
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C, and D. The choice which you think is correct; fill that box in front of that question number. Use marker or pen to fill the box. Cutting or filling two or more boxes will result in zero in that question.
Time Allowed: 15 mins Total Marks: 12
Q.1 Questions (A) (B) (C) (D)
Most of the gaseous exchange in a leaf occurs through: stomata general surface cuticle lenticels
How many bronchi are there in the air passage way? one two many none
Where does the gaseous exchange occur in humans? pharynx trachea bronchi alveoli
Which organ is responsible for filtering the blood? intestine brain stomach kidney
The tube between kidney and urinary bladder is the: ureter urethra renal tubule nephron
‘Body balance’ of water salts, slats, temperature and glucose is termed as: excretion tubular secretion homeostasis re-absorption
The myelin sheath is formed by __________, which wrap around the axons of some neurons. nodes of ranvier axons dendrites schwann cells
Insulin and glucagon are produced in the: hypothalamus anterior pituitary liver pancreas
All of these are hormones except: insulin thyroxin glucagon pepsinogen
Growing an entire new plant from part of the original plant is called: budding regeneration fragmentation vegetative propagation
Rhizopus reproduces asexually by: binary budding spore formation endospores formation
A corm develops into new garlic plant. This is the process of: vegetative propagation regeneration meiosis gametogenesis

Subjective Part-I
Time Allowed: 1 hr : 45 min Total Marks: 48
Q.2 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
Differentiate between breathing and cellular respiration.
Trace the path of air from the nasal cavity to the alveoli.
How will you differentiate between a stoma and a lenticels?
What are the major organs involved in homeostasis in human body?
Identify the two types of coordination in living organisms.
Differentiate between the modes of nervous and chemical coordinations.
What are the main components of coordination?
Define reflex action.
Q.3 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
What do you understand by the term reflex arc?
Trace the path of the nerve impulse in case of a reflex action.
Describe the pupil reflex in dim and bright light.
How would you associate the role of vitamin A with vision?
Define the term ‘hormone’.
Differentiate between cartilage and bone.
What is the role of skeleton in support and movement?
How would you differentiate between osteoporosis and arthritis?
Q.4 Answer any five parts from the following. (2x5=10)
Define the term ‘endocrine system’.
How are the natural and artificial vegetative propagations the methods of asexual reproduction in plants?
Why do gardeners use the methods of cutting and grafting?
“Parthenogenesis is a type of asexual reproduction”. Give comments on this statements.
Outline the life cycle of flowering plants.
What structural adaptations will you find in a wind-pollinated flower?
Give an introduction of Pakistan’s National Aids control program.
What is the future of ovule and ovary after fertilization in flower?

Subjective Part-II
Note: Attempt any two questions. (9x2=18)
Q.5. (a) Write down the steps of inhalation and exhalation.         (5)
 (b) How does the tobacco smoke damage the respiratory system?         (4)
Q.6. (a) What is the functional unit of the kidney?
               Describe its structure and draw labeled diagram.         (5)
 (b) “Along with excretion, kidneys also play role in Osmoregulation.”
                 Comment on this statement.                  (4)
Q.7. (a) Describe negative feedback with reference to insulin and glucagon. (5)
 (b) Define neuron and describe the structure of a general neuron. (4)

Answer Key
Q.1. Select the best option and circle it.
Q# Right Option
Biology Paper Class: iX Biology Paper Class: iX Reviewed by Unknown on December 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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