Social Studies Class: V

Time:  2:00 hrs                      Total Marks: 100
Subject:  Social Studies               Class:  V
Name: _______________            Date: _________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Objective type
Time: 1 hr                                                                                       Total Marks: 60
 Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q.1    Encircle the correct answer.                                                                             /10
The word “Citizen” is derived from the ____________ word “civitas”.
          a) Latin                   b) English                c) Roman                 d) Hindi
Good citizenship means that you take responsibility for ___________________.
          a) others life           b) your life               c) children’s life        d) none of these
___________________ was first Governor General of Pakistan.
          a) Allama Iqbal        b) Quaid-e-Azam      c) Iskandar Mirza      d) none of these
__________________ was first Prime Minister of Pakistan.
          a) Quaid-e Azam      b) Liaquat Ali Khan   c) Ghulam Muhammad     d)  none of these
Islamabad was officially made the capital in _________________.
          a) 1967                   b) 1960                  c) 1947                     d) 1980
Lahore is an ancient city on the east bank of the river_________________.
          a) Sutlej                  b) Chenab              c) Ravi                      d) Sindh
In 1524 ________________ captured Lahore.
          a) Zaheer-ud-Din Babar  b) Akbar          c) Aurangzeb       d) Jahangir
________________ is the capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
          a) Lahore                      b) Peshawar    c) Karachi            d) Islamabad
Hana-Lake is the life line for inhabitants of ____________________.
          a) Hunza                       b) Quetta        c) Islamabad         d) Chitral
The Aiwan-e-Sadar(Presidency) is the official residence of the Head of State, this site is spread over an area of __________________.
           a) 50 acres                   b) 20 acres      c) 15 acres           d) 100acres     
   Q.2 Fill in the blanks from the given word bank.            /10
(South, Arabs, Longitudes, East, Imaginary, Zero, Islam, Globe, Cancer, Tropic)
Pakistan is located to the ___________ of the countries of Asia.
India lies in the ______________ of Pakistan.
Earth’s surface is divided into 360 ͦ degrees in north-south direction; these are __________________ lines which are called_________________.
The middle line of the longitudes is considered as ______________ degree.
Pakistan is the only country that emerged on the world map in the name of ________________.
An imaginary line at 23.30ᵒ degree in the south of equator is called ________________ of ____________________.
In 712 ______________ came into subcontinent.
Latitudes and Longitudes are measured on the ________________.

Q. 3   Write T for true and F for false statement.                                                       /10
Hazrat Usman was the first Caliph.                                                      _______
Bhutto was hanged in 4th April 1979.                                                   _______
Karachi is located between the Arabian Sea and the desert.                   _______
Bhutto started the nuclear power program of Pakistan.                         _______
Zaheer-ud-Din Babar built the Lahore Fort.                                          _______
Akber built city walls in Lahore which has 12 gates.                              _______
Badshahi Mosque was built by Aurangzeb.                                           _______
Zia ul Haq nationalized the basic industries.                                         _______
Nawaz Sharif was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, in 1997.                _______
Lahore is known as the city of Gardens.                                               _______
Q.4    Match Column A with Column B.                                  /05
Column A Column B
Quaid-e-Azam Awami League
Liaquat Ali Khan Majlis-e-Shoora
4th April 1979 First Governor General
Zia-ul-Haq Prime Minister
Shaikh Mujibur Rehman Bhutto was hanged
Q.5 Write the full name of these organizations. /10

Q.6 Write short answers.                                                                                     (5×3=15)
What is meant by location?
What is called Equator?
When did the Abbasids come to power?
Where was the Islamic conference held?
Write the names of South East Asian countries.
Subjective type
Subject: Social Studies                                                                             Class: V
Total Marks: 40                 Time: 1hr

 Attempt all Questions.
Use separate sheet for answers.
Answer the following questions:
 Answer the following questions.
Q.7   Write a note on United Nations agenda about human rights.                                    /10
Q.8   In what way is Islamabad different from other cities?                                              /10
Q.9   Write a  note on the geographical location of Pakistan?                                            /10
Q.10   Write the name of five African Muslim countries.                                                    /10


Answer key
Q.1    Encircle the correct answer.                                                                              /10
a b b b a c a b b b
Q.2 Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                            /10
Q.No Ans

Q. 3 write T for true and F for false statement.                                                                       /10

Q.4 Match the Column A with Column B.                            /05
Column A Column B
Quaid-e-Azam Awami League
Liaquat Ali Khan Majlis-e-Shoora
4th April 1979 First Governor General
Zia-ul-Haq Prime Minister
Shaikh Mujibur Rehman Bhutto was hanged
Q.5 Write the full name of these organizations.               /10
UNHRC United Nations Human Right Commission
HRCP Human Rights Commission for Pakistan
UN United Nations
HREP Human Rights Education Programme
SOS Children Villages
Q.6 Write short answers.                                                                                                  (5×3=15)

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Social Studies Class: V  Social Studies   Class:  V Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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