science class one paper

Time:  1 Hr 30 Minutes               Total Marks: 50
Subject: Science               Class:  I
Name: _______________     Date: ____________
1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Marks Obtained
Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Write neatly and clearly.
Q.1. Use the following words to fill in the blanks.    (1 x 12=12)
mixture brush feel wind burning birds
clean land ellipse day east west
You must wear ___________ clothes.
The sun shines in the _____________.
The earth has _______________.
The sun sets in the _______________.
The sun rises in the _______________.
The earth is ____________.
___________ fly in the air.
Always use your own ______________.
Air is a _____________ of many gases.
Moving air is called ________________.
We can ________________ the air.
Air is needed for ________________.

Q.2. Put a tick (√), if the sentence is right and a cross (X), if it is wrong. (1 x 12=12)
Air is everywhere.
Wash your face with soap & water.
Plants need air to live.
The earth is round.
Sun is a star.
We live on earth.
We can see stars at night.
Plants need water to grow.
The moon has no air or water.
Stars are near the earth.
The sky is green.
Plants need water to grow.
Q.3. Look at the pictures and write correct word under each picture from the box.   /08
watering swimming bathing boating

Q.4. Match column ’A’ with column ‘B’.             (1 x 6=6)
dog caws
alarm clock roars
lion mews
goat rings
crow barks
cat bleats
Q.5. Answer the following questions.   (2 x 6=12)  
Where is air?
Name any two musical instruments.
Name two animals which give loud sound.                 ____________________________________________________________________________
Name three things which need water.
What is wind?
Air is made up of what?

Answer key
Q.1. Use the following words to fill in the blanks.  
You must wear neat clothes.
The sun shines in the day.
The earth has land.
The sun sets in the west.
The sun rises in the east.
The earth is ellipse.
Birds fly in the air.
Always use your own brush.
Air is a mixture of many gases.
Moving air is called wind.
We can feel the air.
Air is needed for burning.
Q.2. Put a tick √ if the sentence is right and a cross X, if it is wrong.
Air is everywhere.
Wash your face with soap & water.
Plants need air to live.
The earth is round. X
Sun is a star.
We live on earth.
We can see stars at night.
Plants need water to grow.
The moon has no air or water.
Stars are near the earth. X
The sky is green. X
Plants need water to grow.

Q.3. Look at the pictures and write correct word under each picture from the box. 

Q.4. Match column ’A’ with column ‘B’.            
dog barks
alarm clock rings
lion roars
goat bleats
crow caws
cat mews
Q.5. Answer the following questions.  
Where is air?
Air is all around us.
Name any two musical instruments.
Flute, piano, etc.
Name two animals which give loud sound.
Lion, Dog, Elephant, etc.
Name three things which need water.
Humans, plants & animals.
What is wind?
The blowing air is called wind.
Air is made up of what?
  Air is made up of many gases.

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science class one paper science class one paper Reviewed by Unknown on November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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