Mathematics Class: VII Term: III

                                              Term: III
Time:  2 hours 30 mins         Total Marks: 100
Subject: Mathematics                                                                           Class: VII
Name: ______________________                                      Date: ____________

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Use separate sheets for Subjective section.
Time: 1: 30 hour                  Marks: 60
Q.1 Circle the correct option.    /15
i. The distance covered per unit is called:
a) time  b) speed c)  distance d)  day
ii. The square of a _________ can be expanded as the square of 1st term plus the square of 2nd term plus the twice of the product of the two terms.
a)   Binomial b)   Monomial c)  Trinomial d)   all of these
iii. 3 y  ̶  7 = 14  ̶  2y is a linear equation in variable:
a)   3  b)  7    c) 14    d)  y   
iv.  Two angles with  a common vertex and one common arm are called ______ angles.
a)  Adjacent b)  Complementary  c)  Supplementary d)   Vertical
v. The distance between the centre and any point on the circle is called:
a)  Radius b)   Diameter c)  Chord d) Arc
vi. If a : b = 1 : 3 and b: c = 2 : 5, then a : c is:
a)  1 : 15 b)  2 : 15 c)  3 : 15 d)  4 : 15

vii. In an isosceles triangle, the angle formed by the two sides of equal length and opposite to the base is called ______ angle.
a)   Base b)   Vertex c)  Leg d)   Altitude
viii. The number of values that occurs in a group of a data is called its:
a)  Frequency b)  Limits c)  Intervals d)  Score
ix.   An algebraic equation which is true for all values of the variable occurring in the relation is called an algebraic:
a) Expression  b) Identity  c) Terms d)   None of these
x. If volume = 891 cm3, height = 14 cm, then the radius of a cylinder is:
a)  4.2 cm b)  4.3 cm c)  4.4 cm  d)   4.5 cm 
Q.2   Complete the following sentences with the help of suitable words. /15

The representation of a numerical data in the form of disjoint sectors of a circle is

called _________________.

A parallelogram is a four sided closed figure with two parallel and ____________

opposite sides.

A line segment that passes through the centre of a circle and touches two points

on its edge is called the ______________ of the circle.

The process of finding that value of the variable which makes it a true sentence is

called its _______________.

A polynomial having three terms is called a _________________.

A method which is used to calculate the value of a number of things by finding the value of one (unit) thing is called ____________ method.

The parts of an algebraic expression separated by the operational signs ‘+ and  ̶ ’ are called _________________.

An arc which is more than half of the circle is called _____________arc.

The __________ angles of an isosceles triangle are always equal.

After arranging the data for desired information is called __________________.
Q.3   Solve the following short questions.     /30
   (Each part carries 3 marks.)
If a 162 km long road can be constructed in 9 months, then find the number of months required to construct a 306 km long road.



Find the solution of the following equation 

Find the remaining angles in the given right
angles triangle.

Find the area of the given circle.

Define frequency and frequency distribution.





Find the value of “m” in the following proportion.
1.1 : m : : 0.55 : 0.27

Resolve into factors .

Solve the equation  .

Find the vertex angle “x” if base angle of an isosceles triangle is 400.

Time: 1 Hour         Marks: 40

Note: Attempt all questions.
Use separate sheets for subjective part.
Q. 4
i. Iram Walks up to her school at a speed of 4 km/hour. It takes 45 minutes to reach the school. How far is her school from her home?             /05

ii. Factorize by using the identity: /05

Q. 5
i.        The price of a pen is Rs. 42 and of a notebook is Rs. 18. Calculate how many pens and notebooks you can buy for Rs. 480. If you want to buy an equal quantity of both?    /05

ii. Noreen has the following types of books in her library. Draw pie graph showing the information. /05

Subjects English Islamic Stories Poems
No. of books 180 90 60 30

Q. 6
i. The circumference of a circle is 1.54 cm. Find the diameter and radius of the circle (when  ) /06

ii. What must be subtracted from   to get   ? /04

Q. 7 The perimeter of a    is 12 cm and ratio among the lengths of its sides
is 4 : 2 : 3. Construct the triangle  /10

Objective Section
Q.1 Circle the correct option.   
Q. No i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x
Answers b a d a a b b a b d

Q.2   Complete the following sentences with the help of suitable words.  
Q. No. Answers Q. No. Answers
i. pie graph vi. unitary
ii. congruent vii. algebraic terms
iii. diameter viii. major
iv. solution ix. base
v. trinomial x. grouped data

Q.3   Solve the following short question.    
Answer: 17 months
Answer: x = 5
Answer: area = 55 .44 cm2
Answer: The number of values that occurs in a group is called its frequency. The conversion of ungrouped data into grouped so that the frequencies of different groups can be visualized is called frequency distribution.
Answer: m = 0.54
Answer: (2x  ̶  3y)2
Answer: x =  ̶ 10
Answer: x = 1000

Subjective Section

Q. 4 Answers:  (i) Distance = 3 km ii.
Q. 5 Answer:  (i) 8 pens and 8 books (ii) See textbook page 193 (Q .5)
Q. 6 Answer:   i. d = 0.49 cm and r = 0.245 cm ii.     
Q. 7 Answer: Students will do by themselves.

Mathematics Class: VII Term: III Mathematics  Class: VII Term: III Reviewed by Unknown on November 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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