Computer Science Class: I

  1. Time: 40 Min                        Total Marks: 15 

Name: _____________                        Date: ___________
Subject:  Computer Science                                                Class: I
1 2 3 4 5 Total Marks
Marks Obtained

Attempt all Questions.
Overwritten/re-written answers will be considered wrong.
Q.1. Write T for true and F for false against each statement.     /0
Folder is represented by .    _________
A computer works with electricity.        _________
Icons are small graphical images.        _________
Q.2. Write four steps to start a computer.   (04)

Q.3. Write four steps to shut down a computer.              (04)                                                 
Q.4. What is computer hardware?            (03)                                                 

Lab activity
Q.5. Show your teacher how to start and shut down a computer in the lab.               (01)

Answer key
Q.1.  Write T for true and F for false against each statement.                 (03)
    Q.2. Write four steps to start a computer.    (04)
According to the textbook.
    Q.3: Writer four steps to shutdown a computer.    (04)
According to the textbook.
Q.4. What is computer hardware?               (03)      According to the textbook.
Lab activity
Q.5. Show your teacher how to start and shut down a computer in the lab.      Lab activity   (01)

computer science
computer science

Computer Science Class: I Computer Science  Class: I Reviewed by Unknown on November 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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